Four new featurettes from the upcoming comedy drama ‘Moonrise Kingdom,’ written and directed by Wes Anderson, have been released. The featurettes, narrated by Bob Balaban, show Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton and Anderson as they go behind-the-scenes of the 2012 Festival de Cannes official selection. The Focus Features film opens in select theaters on May 25.
‘Moonrise Kingdom,’ which is set off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, follows two 12-year-olds who fall in love. They make a secret pact and run away together into the wilderness. As authorities search for them, a violent off-shore storm turns the peaceful island upsidedown.
Murray and Frances McDormand play the girl’s parents in ‘Moonrise Kingdom,’ while Willis portrays the local sheriff. Norton plays a Khaki Scout troop leader.
Check out the featurettes below.
Written by: Karen Benardello