Could these be actual character descriptions of the characters Catwoman and Bane? The upcoming film “The Dark Knight Rises” by director Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, Inception, Memento) stars Christian Bale (Batman Begins, Terminator Salvation, The 13 Women of Nanjing), Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada, Get Smart, Alice in Wonderland, The Silver Linings Playbook), Tom Hardy (Inception, RocknRolla, Bronson), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Elektra Luxx, 3rd Rock from the Sun), Morgan Freeman (The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight, Se7en), Gary Oldman (The Professional, The Fifth Element) and Michael Caine (Cars 2, Gnomeo & Juliet, Inception, Harry Brown).

SELINA KYLE – is a world-class cat burglar and mistress of disguise. She’s cunning and devious, but has a deep sense of honor. As Catwoman, she targets Gotham’s wealthiest. Her weapons usually include infrared goggles, bladed high-heel boots, and a belt filled with lock picks.

BANE – Little is known about Bane. He was born in prison and trained in the darkest forms of deception by the League of Shadows, but rumor has it he was cast out due to his extreme behavior. Bane is a ferocious hand-to-hand fighter who is willing to do anything in order to take down his opponents. Bane is in peak physical shape, but he must wear a breathing apparatus that feeds him with pain relieving gas due to an old injury. He’s never been photographed without his mask and only a handful of people have seen his face. While his true motives remain a mystery, he appears to be building an army of followers in the dark tunnels underneath Gotham in order to create his own League of Shadows.

Click on the images below to check out our “Dark Knight Rises” photo gallery.

Source: Tony Fritze via

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