The box office results for the weekend of June 15th – 17th sees audiences not enthused about going back in time so to speak. Rock of Ages and Sandler’s That’s My Boy were armed with nostalgia from the 80’s and 90’s yet not many wanted to see/hear them play. Here are the studio estimates:

1. Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted ($35.5 million)

2. Prometheus ($20.2 million)

3. Rock of Ages ($15 million)

4. Snow White and the Huntsman ($13.8 million)

5. That’s My Boy ($13.1 million)

6. Men in Black 3 ($10 million)

7. Marvel’s The Avengers ($8.8 million)

8. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ($2.2 million)

9. Moonrise Kingdom ($2.1 million)

10. What to Expect When You’re Expecting ($1.3 million)


Did the majority of moviegoers actually listen to the lovely critics for once? After the pundits slammed Adam Sandler’s R-rated product, and then dismissed the cinematic version of a Broadway musical, it seems audiences chose to venture into something boasting a familiar name (sequels, prequels, franchise, Brand name, etc.). And by doing so, their actions will extinguish any chance of either the new guys making profits during their respective theatrical runs.

Rock of Ages arranged a $75 million production budget but there’s no way in domestic hell this will even reach that figure. How this plays overseas remains to be seen, and although all critics are praising Tom Cruise’s performance – which is just one of many laced throughout the flick, people just don’t seem to care.

That’s My Boy on the other hand came in with promises of old-school Sandler unleashed. It also came in with a typical production budget for a Happy Madison piece at $70 million. Since this was strictly marketed around Sandler’s raunchy character, and there was no real mention of high-profile supporting/cameo players involved, the writing on the wall suggests that perhaps the comedian isn’t the draw he used to be. And when factoring in the lack of R-rated comedic competition in theaters, which have been a hot ticket the last few years, Sandler may officially be on the downside of his on-screen acting career. This marks the worst debut for a Sandler led flick since 2004’s Spanglish ($8.8 million).

Dipping just 41% (anything less than 50% during the summer is excellent), Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted will reign supreme until next Friday. Stateside, the 3D animation has reached $120 million off a production budget of $145 million.

Prometheus (so tired of hearing people over-analyze this by the way) crashed 60% in week #2. And this is all because of the people (a.k.a. not critics/journalists). Word-of-mouth is deadly for this sucker and it’s really giving Twentieth Century Fox a summer buzzkill.

The Avengers currently has the longest streak in the top ten with 7 weeks. Its domestic total has climbed to $586.4 million. And rumor is, the director’s cut – containing 30-40 minutes of extra footage may be released in theaters toward the end of the year. Greed at its finest…but it would be nice if it could pick off Titanic for #2 all-time ($658.6 million).

This Friday, three newbies are likely to shake everything up: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter will suck in the horror/thriller crowd while the Disney/Pixar 3D animated Brave will surely secure the fam-friendly contingent. Looking to pick up any scraps is the subtle comedic/drama starring Steve Carell titled Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. Reviews will be right here my fellow Shockers!

Nostalgia was no match for all this.

By Joe Belcastro

Joe Belcastro is an established movie critic in Tampa, Florida. As a member of the Florida Film Critics Circle, most of his time is spent reviewing upcoming movies. He also covers news pertaining to the film industry, on both a local and national level as well as conducting interviews. To contact Joe Belcastro regarding a story or with general questions about his services, please e-mail him and/or follow him on Twiiter @TheWritingDemon.

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