Hulu is set to premiere the critically acclaimed Israeli drama series ‘Prisoners of War’ tomorrow, marking the on-demand streaming website’s first foreign-language exclusive series. The show was written and directed by Gideon Ratt, and was the highest-rated Israeli TV Drama, winning nine Israeli Emmy Awards.
‘Prisoners of War’ stars Yael Abecassis, Mili Avital, Yoram Tolledano, Assi Cohen and Ishai Golan. The ten-part drama series follows two soldiers as they struggle to reintegrate into society after spending 17 years in an enemy prison. As the two struggle to reacquaint themselves with their families, the two are also thrust into the national spotlight as heroes.
After the two soldiers return home, they’re debriefed and are questioned by a military psychologist. But their stories don’t match, so an undercover investigation ensues to find out who they really are and what they want.
Avi Nir, the CEO of Keshet Broadcast, who’s bringing ‘Prisoners of War’ to Hulu, said “we are looking forward for this great opportunity to bring the unique voice of ‘Prisoners of War’ to a worldwide audience. We are happy and proud to partner with a market leader such as Hulu in this U.S. debut.”
Written by: Karen Benardello