Michael Uslan, the originator and executive producer of the Batman film franchise, received Comic-Con International’s highest honor by accepting the Inkpot Award. He joins industry legends Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Charles Schultz as a recipient of the award.
The Inkpot Award honors lifetime achievements in the comic book and film industries. Uslan, who was presented with the award at this month’s Comic-Con International, said the honor was a surprise.
Uslan also said he was beyond thrilled to win the award. “I did not know that I was to be awarded with The Inkpot, and to be included with so many of the industry’s heroes is truly humbling,” he added.
Uslan served as an executive producer on this summer’s most anticipated film, ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’ Christopher Nolan’s final installment in his Batman trilogy, which hits theaters today, is one of the most critically-acclaimed comic-book movies. Uslan’s journey into producing the Batman series is documented in his new memoir, “The Boy Who Loved Batman.”
Written by: Karen Benardello