Google is celebrating the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games sport of soccer today with a new interactive Doodle on its homepage. The interactive Doodle marks the fourth consecutive game the search engine has featured in place of its official logo on its website.

In the new soccer Doodle, Google users play the role of the goalkeeper. The aim of the game is to keep as many balls out of the net as possible. Once three balls have entered the goal zone, however, the game is over. The soccer goalkeeper can be moved with the left and right cursors, and can jump with the space bar. The “GOO” letters of the Google logo are on the left side of the net, while the “GLE’ letters are on the right side of the net.

If Google users want to work on their penalty kick after the game is over, the search engine allows for a replay. Users who mastered the game can post their score on Google+. Google also allows users to continue on to their search query after finishing the game.

The interactive soccer Doodle is the overall 15th consecutive Doodle Google has posted for the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Following tradition, the search engine will also post Doodles tomorrow and on Sunday, to coincide with the closing ceremonies.

Written by: Karen Benardello

By Karen Benardello

As a graduate of LIU Post with a B.F.A in Journalism, Print and Electronic, Karen Benardello serves as ShockYa's Senior Movies & Television Editor. Her duties include interviewing filmmakers and musicians, and scribing movie, television and music reviews and news articles. As a New York City-area based journalist, she's a member of the guilds, New York Film Critics Online and the Women Film Critics Circle.

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