Fans of the popular FX animated show “Archer” will finally be able to own the third season in a few weeks! The “Archer: The Complete Season 3” is coming to DVD and Blu-ray January 8 and to celebrate, ShockYa has been given two copies to give away!
If you want to be one of the two people who wins a copy, make sure to follow us @Shockya. Then tweet the phrase, “@Shockya is giving away two copies of Archer: The Complete Season 3! Follow and RT to enter!”
You have until January 8 to tweet us. You can tweet us every day until January 8 and we’ll then notify the winner through Twitter DM.
Good luck in the giveaway! If you want to learn more about the third season of “Archer,” the synopsis–as well as the release’s special features–below.
“Archer Sterling and the ISIS team return for a third season of espionage. Although their work of espionage, reconnaissance missions, wiretapping and undercover surveillance is daunting and dangerous, every covert operation and global crisis is actually just another excuse for the ISIS staff to undermine, sabotage and betray each other for personal gain.”
Special Features:BD & DVD
Commentary on “El Contador”
Commentary on “Drift Problem”
Commentary on “Lo Scandalo”
“Heart of Archness” Extended Version
“Gator 2” Trailer
Answering Machine Messages
“Cooking with Archer”