The audience of “Big Brother”-style TV series “BattleCam House” were shocked and horrified as housemate Curtis Croft was attacked by a man who was making a guest appearance on the show.

According to our exclusive information, the guests in the house were “chatting normally” when the man, wearing a black T-shirt who went by the name of Ayyone, came at Croft, “punching him in the face and beating him to the ground.” The assault went on for almost four minutes as contestants tried to separate the two.

Croft, 49, is believed to have sustained broken ribs, an injured wrist and smashed teeth from the fight. Police arrived to the Beverly Hills BattleCam studios, and Croft was rushed to a Los Angeles hospital, where he received 20 stitches to a head wound.

One shocked viewer said, “It was gut-churning. One minute everything seemed normal and then all hell broke loose.”

The fight was shown live on BattleCam’s web feed and on Los Angeles television, but was later edited out of the show’s UK feed that was broadcast on Sky Channel 192. The footage is now on YouTube. In the video, Croft is in a white T-shirt and baseball cap, sitting on the left hand side of the screen. The contestants have been moved to a hotel while filming is on hiatus.

The attack might have been part of a long-running feud between the two; Croft was previously accused by Ayyone of trolling him and his wife through BattleCam’s social networking platform.

Alki David, the owner of BattleCam and, said, “I cannot condone violence of this nature. The whole point of BattleCam is for people to let off steam against each other but this incident crossed the line.” He also said, “The BattleCam House has now been sealed off as a potential crime scene by the Beverley Hills police and we are seeking an alternative venue from which to continue to with the show.”

A YouTube viewer called “LOLat croft” posted a comment saying: “This is why you should never run your mouth on the net.” Another viewer said, “A1, I like what A1 did, checkmate battle cam needs more people like A1.”

This is not the first controversy BattleCam has seen. Police have been extremely critical about the types of stunts performed.

You can take a look at the video of the fight below.

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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