IFC’s new animated series “Out There” will be premiering tomorrow, Feb. 22. The 10-episode animated series is written and executive produced by the award-winning animation director and producer from “South Park” and revolves around the trials of puberty among social and political craziness:
“’Out There’ is created, written by and executive produced by Ryan Quincy, two-time Emmy-winning animation director and producer of South Park. The ten episode series chronicles the socially awkward Chad Stevens and his best friend, Chris Novak. Living in the small town of Holford in the middle of nowhere, the boys wander the surreal, bleak landscape waiting out their last few years of high school and discovering that growing up is weird to do. Puberty, first loves, social ostracism, conservative parents, single moms and their disastrous boyfriend choices — “Out There” confronts these perils of youth and explores that terrifying limbo between childhood and adulthood when fragile young personalities form and deform. Relive the agony and ecstasy of those special times as Chad and Chris try to navigate life… out there.”
ShockYa is celebrating the premiere of the film by giving away five “Out There” tote bags, each one filled with an official poster, sticker sheet and button pack. Here’s how you can enter for your chance to win:
Follow us @Shockya. Then tweet us, “@Shockya is giving away five Out There tote bags! Follow and RT to enter!” You have until March 7 to tweet us. You can tweet us every day until the end date and we’ll pick the five winners at random. If you win, you’ll be notified through Twitter DM. Good luck!