A zany cast of animals take their grievances with humanity to the big city in the CG-animated film “Delhi Safari,” directed by Nikhil Advani. The ARC Entertainment film stars Jason Alexander, Cary Elwes, Brad Garrett, Christopher Lloyd, Jane Lynch and Vanessa Williams and will be on VOD April 16. Here’s more about the film:
“A wacky pack of mismatched animals takes on the human race as they travel to the big city to protest the destruction of their jungle. How can a leopard cub and his mother, a peace-loving bear, a mischievous monkey, and a wisecracking parrot present their ideas to a bunch of humans? You’ll find out in this hilarious and heart-warming adventure that will have you cheering at the end.”
If you’d like your own copy of “Delhi Safari,” you need to enter in ShockYa’s Twitter giveaway! We are giving away four copies of “Delhi Safari”; all you have to do are two simple things.
First, follow @Shockya. Then tweet the phrase, @Shockya is giving away Delhi Safari; follow and RT to enter!” You can enter every day until April 25. After that, we’ll pick the four winners at random and notify them via Twitter DM. Good luck!
We’ve got the trailer for “Delhi Safari” below. What do you think about “Delhi Safari”? Give your opinions in the comments section below.