Here’s some brand new photos featuring Joel Kinnaman on the set of the upcoming remake of “RoboCop” by director José Padilha (Rio, eu te amo, Elite Squad) and starring Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight Rises, Paranoia, Monster Butler, Lawless), Michael Keaton (30 Rock, Toy Story 4), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury, Old Boy, Django Unchained, The Avengers), Joel Kinnaman (Knight of Cups, Easy Money, The Darkest Hour) and Abbie Cornish (An Ordinary Man, Seven Psychopaths, The Girl, W.E.).

Film Synopsis: In a crime-ridden city, a fatally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg with submerged memories haunting him.

The film is scheduled for release in the United States on February 7, 2014.

Follow @Shockya on Twitter for the latest from the upcoming “RoboCop” remake.

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