The untitled “Transformers” sequel, currently known as “Transformers 4” can be seen as a retelling or new direction in the “Transformers” universe and it seems like even the Autobots are getting a fresh look.
Paramount Pictures has released some tantalizing pictures of the remodeled and re-envisioned Autobots. The pictures of the Autobots were taken on Highway 163 in Monument Valley near the border of Arizona and Utah. The new vehicles include a custom-built and completely upgraded Optimus Prime from Western Star (a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks North America) along with two completely new characters. According to Paramount, the two characters are “a special race-inspired C7 Corvette Stingray, based on Chevrolet’s upcoming 2014 production car and a classy 1,200-horsepower Bugatti Grand Sport Vitesse worth more than $2.4 million!” With these upgrades, it seems fans are in for a wild ride when “Transformers 4” finally makes it to theaters.
Check out the pictures below in the gallery. What do you think about the upgrades and redesigns shown in the pictures? Are they making you excited about the upcoming film? Write your opinions in the comments section below. “Transformers 4” will be in theaters June 27, 2014. You can learn more about the film at its official site and Facebook page.