Title: I Give It A Year

Directed by: Dan Mazer

Starring: Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Stephen Merchant, Anna Faris, Minnie Driver, Jason Flemyng

Running time:97 minutes, Rated R, Available on VOD

Nat and Josh had a whirlwind romance and have just gotten married. Their family and friends have no hopes that it will last.  Nat (Rose Byrne) a corporate businesswoman and Josh (Rafe Spall) is a published writer struggling with his next novel.  Josh’s ex girlfriend Chloe (Anna Faris) was invited to dinner where Josh’s brother reveals that they never officially broke up, she had left for Africa and was away for 4 years until Josh met Nat.  Nat has just acquired a new account where the client is Guy (Simon Baker), a handsome American who doesn’t hide his feelings for her.  When Nat is working all hours for Guy, Josh is hanging out more with Chloe. Both Nat & Josh realize that they may have rushed into marriage, but they want to make it to the one year mark to see if they have any hope for a future together.

The negative: I wasn’t that thrilled about casting Anna Faris as the ex girlfriend.  I really like her as an actress, but I felt that she wasn’t the right fit for the character – although to be fair, she did rather well in the scene with the threesome. The scene where Guy tries to woo Nat with a scenario possibly inspired by John Woo was so cringe-worthy; I mean, what dude would ever think that would work?  The ending was a bit forced, trite and predictable.

The positive: It’s a refreshing take on a romantic comedy because you actually hope they don’t make it. The scene where Nat’s parents are over at their flat and the digital photo frame is flashing their honeymoon pictures was one of the best scenes in the film. I was getting up out of my chair having to walk off my hysterical laughter.  Minnie Driver has such a funny bitchy character and how she treats her husband – everybody has friends (or will have) like these and you cannot fathom why they stay together.  I loved Rose Byrne’s last words to her brother in law (Stephen Merchant), as I can relate to it all too well.

I didn’t have a lot of high expectations for this film but was really surprised up until the end. When I realized the director was Dan Mazer (Da Ali G Show / Borat / Brüno) it all made sense. I Give It A Year is not your standard rom-com. Be prepared for some raunchy jokes and dialogue. If you watch it with your conservative parents or grandma, it’s going to be a little uncomfortable afterward.

Total Rating: B+

Reviewed by: JM Willis

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