The first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase Three is “Ant-Man.” Following “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” is the superhero movie about a scientist that creates a special suit that can make him shrink in size (he can also grow to become Giant-Man as well). While director Edgar Wright will take a stab at making superhero movies, “Ant-Man” has been in development with Marvel Studios since 2006. Now it looks like Marvel and Edgar Wright found the right actor to play Dr. Hank Pym AKA Ant-Man.
According to Variety, Paul Rudd is now in negotiations to play Ant-Man. This is pretty expected considering all the rumors surround his involvement with Marvel Studio and Edgar Wright. It’s also rumored that Rashida Jones would play Pym’s girlfriend and fellow Avenger Janet van Dyne AKA Wasp.
“Ant-Man” will kick off Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase Three a few months after “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” will hit theaters on May 1, 2015. The other movies in Phase Three have yet to be disclosed to the general public, but “Doctor Strange,” “Black Panther,” “Guardians of the Galaxy 2,” and, of course, “The Avengers 3” are all expected to be Phase Three’s movie lineup.
I think Paul Rudd would be the perfect Ant-Man. He has the charisma and on-screen presence to pull it off. Paul Rudd also looks the part as Dr. Hank Pym, and he has a great sense for drama and playing it straight to boot. While Ant-Man is not a stick-in-the-mud, he’s definitely a dominant force in the Marvel Universe. Think of him as an altruistic version of Tony Stark AKA Iron Man. Dr. Pym is as smart as Stark and Bruce Banner AKA The Hulk, but he uses science for the good of humanity.
Edgar Wright wrote the film’s screenplay with Joe Cornish (“Attack The Block”), while Wright will also direct. Ant-Man will hit theaters everywhere on July 31, 2015, in 3D.