The thriller “Enemy” is in limited release today in New York! The film is directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Javier Gullón (screenplay), José Saramago (novel). The cast includes Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon and Isabella Rossellini. The thriller focuses on a university lecturer who meets his double.

“ENEMY tells the story of a university lecturer named Adam (Gyllenhaal) who is nearing the end of a relationship with his girlfriend Mary (Laurent). One night, while watching a film, Adam spots a minor actor who looks just like him. Consumed by the desire to meet his double, Adam tracks down Anthony, an actor living with his pregnant wife Helen (Gadon) and engages him in a complex and dangerous struggle. The film is a haunting and provocative psychosexual thriller about duality and identity, where in the end only one man will survive.”

Are you interested in learning more about “Enemy” and the novel the film is based on before checking it out in theaters? Take a look at this new behind-the-scenes look, “Adapting José Saramago.”

Want to know where the film is playing in New York? Visit the official website for theater and ticketing information.

What do you think about “Enemy”? Talk about it in the comments section below.

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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