Fresh Coast Media Group’s coverage of rap battles is available for free on FilmOn. The group is great for those out there who love being at the forefront of hot, urban culture. Here’s more about the channel.

“Fresh Coast Media Group is the forefront of urban entertainment,” states the channel’s description. “We showcase rap battles, interviews, various multimedia projects & more to give an in depth behind the scenes look at the most interesting stars in the world of hip-hop & beyond…Fresh Coast brings you the hottest emcees in freestyle rap. Get in on the battles with host Lush One and experience raw talent with famous emcees like Dumbfoundead, The Saurus, Plex Rock, Okwerdz and more.”

Fresh Coast is one of FilmOn’s exclusive channels and if you’re a fan of awesome rap battles, you can watch Fresh Coast below the post or at FilmOn. FilmOn’s other exclusive channels provide coverage of some of Hollywood’s celebrity events and parties, entertainment news, interactive games and shows led by some of the most controversial and talked-about celebrities.

FilmOn also has channels that range from national and international news, celebrity gossip, religion, cars, lifestyle tips, fitness, health and wellness and more. FilmOn can be viewed for free in SD or for a low monthly subscription, in HD with added DVR recording space.

What do you think about Fresh Coast? Write about it below.

By Monique Jones

Monique Jones blogs about race and culture in entertainment, particularly movies and television. You can read her articles at Racialicious, and her new site, COLOR . You can also listen to her new podcast, What would Monique Say.

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