Title: 3/105

Director: Avelina Prat and Diego Opazo.

What would happen to us if we were to die alone, without anyone identifying our remains? We would turn into a mere morgue case number. Our life, our struggles and pains, our joys and achievements would get swept away into anonymity. The invisibility that is so brilliantly portrayed in the short movie ‘3/105’ by Avelina Prat and Diego Opazo.

The Spanish-Romanian film lands at the 71st Venice Film Festival in the section dedicated to discovering new trends in cinema, Orizzonti. Indeed the way the storytelling coalesces emotionally and visually is remarkably avant-garde. All we see is the water hitting the dam of the Lungotevere (the dock  next to the Roman Tiber river), with all sorts of debris floating on the surface. Meanwhile we hear the voice of a person from the morgue stating the conditions of cadaver 3/105, as well as other voices that allude to the departed’s course of action.

The short was conceived in tandem by photographer Diego Opazo, who shot the image during a holiday in Rome, and filmmaker Avelina Prat, who moulded a story around it, capable of stirring emotion in an unconventional manner.

The results are very effective since the configuration gives it a literary allure: the mind is forced to drift away and imagine what the image does not show. The ground-breaking method sure proves to be engrossing.

Written by: Chiara Spagnoli Gabardi

By Chiara Spagnoli Gabardi

Chiara Spagnoli Gabardi, is a film critic, culture and foreign affairs reporter, screenwriter, film-maker and visual artist. She studied in a British school in Milan, graduated in Political Sciences, got her Masters in screenwriting and film production and studied at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York and Los Angeles. Chiara’s “Material Puns” use wordplay to weld the title of the painting with the materials placed on canvas, through an ironic reinterpretation of Pop-Art, Dadaism and Ready Made. She exhibited her artwork in Milan, Rome, Venice, London, Oxford, Paris and Manhattan. Chiara works as a reporter for online, print, radio and television and also as a film festival PR/publicist. As a bi-lingual journalist (English and Italian), who is also fluent in French and Spanish, she is a member of the Foreign Press Association in New York, the Women Film Critics Circle in New York, the Italian Association of Journalists in Milan and the Federation of Film Critics of Europe and the Mediterranean. Chiara is also a Professor of Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts at IED University in Milan.

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