Amber Heard as Lady Mera from the upcoming film Aquaman.

Director James Wan (Saw) tweeted this new photo featuring Amber Heard as Lady Mera from his upcoming film “Aquaman” also starring Jason Momoa, Nicole Kidman. ‘Aquaman’ is the latest film adaptation of the classic DC Comics book by the same name. The character originally debuted November 1941 in ‘More Fun Comics #73’ from Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger.

Lady Mera is the Queen of Atlantis, and wife of DC Comics superhero Aquaman.

What are Lady Mera’s superpowers?

  • Super strength & durability
  • Controls water, can create “hard water” objects
  • Exceptional swimming ability
  • Can breathe underwater


The film which is slated for theatrical release on December 21, 2018 has already begun shooting in Australia.

By Jeff Stevens

Husband, father, movie+review advocate, BAMF, hair icon, pantsuits are for losers. Posts from Jeff signed -J all others by merciless robots.

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