Tolkien Movie Review
TOLKIEN Fox Searchlight Pictures Reviewed for & linked from Rotten Tomatoes by: Harvey Karten Director: Dome Karukoski Screenwriter:…
Katerina Eichenberger Encourages Max MacKenzie to Stand Up For Himself in Just Say Goodbye Exclusive Clip
Protecting themselves from physical and emotional abuse is one of the most important things people must learn throughout their lives.…
The Brothers Union’s Silhouettes EP Review
Silhouettes by The Brothers Union Band: The Brothers Union; Mike O’Reilly: guitar and vocals; and Sean O’Reilly: bass and vocals’…
Interview: Ben Hernandez Bray and Joe Carnahan Talk El Chicano (Exclusive)
Occasionally the most distressing situations can drive the seemingly most moral person to take matters into their own hands, in…
Non-Fiction Movie Review
Non-Fiction IFC Films Reviewed by Tami Smith, Film Reviewer for Shockya Grade: B+ Director: Olivier Assayas Screenwriter: Olivier Assayas Cast:…
Stephen McClintic Contemplates Life Path in Bardo Blues Exclusive Clip
Striving to uncover the truth about life’s purpose is vital to everyone, especially those people who are trying to overcome…
Interview: Deon Taylor Talks The Intruder (Exclusive)
Anticipating a promising new start to a purported better future is a powerful motivator for many people to overlook their…
The Intruder Movie Review
THE INTRUDER Screen Gems Reviewed for & linked from Rotten Tomatoes by: Harvey Karten Director: Deon Taylor Screenwriter:…