A remote village has become the arena of a battle between the undead in the new horror television series, ‘Betaal.’ The action-thriller, which was created by Patrick Graham and executive produced by Blumhouse Television and SK Global Entertainment, is now streaming on Netflix. The drama show, which stars: Viineet Kumar, Aahana Kumra and Suchitra Pillai, features four 50-minute episodes
Netflix has released the following synopsis for ‘Betaal’:
A remote village quickly becomes the arena of a battle when a two-century-old East India Company Colonel, who’s infected with the Betaal’s curse, and his battalion of blood-thirsty zombie redcoats are released from their tomb. Upon their descent on the surround area, the group attacks anything with a pulse. With the Counter Insurgency Police Department (CIPD) forces pitted against the undead army, hapless civilians are trapped in a gripping conflict.