Executive Produced by Mem Ferda and directed by Michael Su, the newest gruesome torture flick, Death Count, is currently in post-production. The tale opens with a group of strangers, each confined to their own holding cell with no recollection of how they got there, who fall victim to the wrath of the homicidal ‘Warden’. Eerily reminiscent of our social-media-obsessed society, it soon becomes apparent that the strangers must gain traction online in order to appease their captor and survive this plight.
Initially entitled ‘Numbers’, at present, Death Count is being developed by ‘Mahal Empire’ and ‘Blaen-Y-Bootleg Films’ production houses. Horror buffs can look forward to an all-star cast comprised of familiar faces such as Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs), Costas Mandylor (Saw IV), Robert LaSardo (Waterworld), Sarah French (Blind), Devanny Pinn (The Dawn), and Ben Stobber (Unwritten).
Exact dates have not yet been confirmed, but Death Count is forecast to debut later this year. For those looking for 2021’s answer to Saw, keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming trailer.
Release Date: 2020-2021.
Director: Michael Su.
Writers: Rolfe Kanefsky and Michael Merino.
Executive Producers: Mem Ferda, Robert Dujmusic, Jon Adams, Michael Beran, Wesley Cannon.
Cast: Michael Madsen, Costas Mandylor, Robert LaSardo, Andre Carbonell, Sarah French, Devanny Pinn and Ben Stobber.