Ukraine State Prosecutor “Says Biden is to blame. Yes”



According to TVMIX “Forty Three Million War-torn Ukrainian people are forced to pay energy bills jacked up by corrupted Parliament to line the pockets of Petro Poroshenko, The Bidens et al”.

Just as War between the Ukraine and Russia began, the Ukrainian State Prosecutor’s office in Kiev had begun to issue arrest warrants for those who sought to exploit the Ukrainian people through a fraud and intimidation.

Whistleblowers of Burisma tell of fake invoices to State Bank


Ukrainian Police and Interpol Authorities have audited Burisma Holdings Ltd in Cyprus for some months.

The breakout of War however has posed a problem in continuing these investigations. However, the Ukraine States Prosecutor’s office in Kiev lays out the facts of the Burisma Scandal plus introduces key witnesses and whistleblowers.

Through Shell Corporations like WireLogic and Digitext –

thousands of fake invoices were billed to Burisma Holdings Ltd., for their fake State Energy services offered by Burisma to the Ukrainian people.

After ratifying the Burisma Energy Bill by 100% votes and a 100% Hike of Energy Costs Petro Poroshenko the then President of Ukraine and Joe Biden effectively stole Billions of Dollars from the pockets of 43 million Ukrainians.

Billions paid to Bidens.


By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.

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