Judge Juan Merchan presiding during the Trump Organization’s criminal tax trial.

Acting New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan, the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump‘s criminal case, has raised eyebrows due to his political affiliations. Merchan donated to ActBlue in the summer of 2020, with one of his contributions being earmarked for President Joe Biden‘s 2020 campaign. He also donated to the Progressive Turnout Project (PTP) and its sub-project Stop Republicans, which is dedicated to “resisting” Trump and the Republican Party.

Additionally, Merchan’s daughter Loren once worked for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign and now runs a consulting company that counts the Biden-Harris campaign as a client.

This news has sparked concerns among Trump supporters and Republicans who worry that Merchan’s political leanings could impact the outcome of the case. As the legal proceedings continue, all eyes will be on Merchan and how he handles the high-profile case involving the former president. Stay tuned for further updates.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.