In recent revelations, Joe Biden’s consistent denial of discussing business matters with his son Hunter is under scrutiny as a trove of over 29,000 emails surfaces. Despite his steadfast statements over the past three years, questions arise about the transparency of the President’s dealings with Hunter and even his brother, James “Jim” Biden, who some suspect holds the real reins in the Biden family business.

The journey through Biden’s statements begins in August 2019, with a categorical denial: “I’ve never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.” This narrative persisted in October of the same year when he asserted during a question session, “Yes, I stand by that statement,” in response to inquiries about overseas business dealings.

A seemingly unwavering stance continued through October 2019, with Biden repeating variations of his denial: “I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine.” Even during the first presidential debate in September 2020, when pressed by Trump, Biden staunchly declared, “None of that is true,” dismissing the claims as “totally discredited.”

Fast forward to June 2023, and the narrative takes an unexpected turn. When confronted with the question of whether he had lied about discussing business deals with Hunter, Biden offered a succinct “No.” This raises concerns about the consistency of Biden’s statements and the potential gaps in his transparency.

The pressing question emerges: What else is Joey lying about? As the emails come to light, the public is left to ponder the veracity of Biden’s assurances regarding his involvement in his family’s business affairs.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.