As the 2024 presidential election looms closer, signs of distress are emerging from Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. With just a week left until the highly anticipated POTUS debate, new polling data suggests a troubling trend for the incumbent president.

For those who have followed Joe Biden’s lengthy political career, doubts about his fitness for office are nothing new. His years as a senator and vice president left many questioning his capability. The 2020 election, heavily influenced by an anti-Trump sentiment, masked these concerns. However, after nearly four years of Biden’s presidency, the American public seems to be reconsidering.

Polling from Emerson College and The Hill reveals that Donald Trump is outperforming Biden in six pivotal battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump’s lead has either remained steady or increased since previous surveys conducted before the Manhattan business records fraud case verdict.

In Arizona, Trump leads Biden 47% to 43%, and in Georgia, the margin is 45% to 41%. Michigan shows a narrow lead for Trump at 46% to 45%, while Nevada sees Trump ahead 46% to 43%. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin also show Trump leading with 47% to 45% and 47% to 44%, respectively.

Adding to the Biden campaign’s woes is the unexpected competition in traditionally Democratic strongholds like Minnesota. The same polling data shows a dead heat in Minnesota, with both Trump and Biden tied at 45%. This is significant considering Minnesota’s historical leanings, having backed a Republican for president only three times since the Great Depression. The last time it was closely contested was in 1984 when Ronald Reagan narrowly lost the state.

The Biden team’s anxiety is further highlighted by a recent report from Salem Radio Network News. It details efforts by Biden’s main re-election SuperPAC, Future Forward USA Action, to raise millions in an attempt to counter Trump’s dominant social media presence. Tech magnates like Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and LinkedIn founder Reed Hoffman are contributing to this initiative. The aim is to better understand and leverage the algorithms that have bolstered Trump’s viral video success and to collaborate with left-leaning influencers to produce and distribute more effective content.

Despite these efforts, the Democrats appear to be struggling to keep pace in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. The Republican Party’s ability to paint Biden as outdated and out of touch has resonated strongly, particularly on platforms where vertical video content thrives.

As the election approaches, the Biden campaign is under immense pressure to bridge the gap. The first debate, hosted by CNN, will be a crucial moment for Biden to regain ground. However, with Trump maintaining or widening his lead in key states and newfound vulnerabilities in traditionally safe Democratic areas, the path to re-election for Biden looks increasingly challenging.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.