Amid growing concerns about President Joe Biden’s ability to win reelection, Democratic strategist James Carville predicted that Biden will not be on the Democratic ticket in November. Following a troubling performance in the recent debate against Donald Trump—where Biden stumbled over his words and made the baffling claim, “We finally beat Medicare”—criticism has mounted from all sides. Even **The New York Times** suggested it might be time for Biden to step down.

Carville, in a report by Axios, bluntly stated, “I never thought this was a nifty idea. He doesn’t have advisers. He has employees.” Paraphrasing a famous economist, he added, “That which can’t continue… won’t.” Carville’s remarks underscore a deepening divide within the Democratic Party, reflecting fears that Biden may not be able to secure a victory against Trump.

In what some critics have labeled a questionable move, the Biden campaign responded by sending a fundraising text message to supporters, cheekily purporting to be from Carville himself. The message urged Democrats to contribute to the Biden-Harris campaign, turning Carville’s critique into a fundraising ploy.

When reached for comment by Tyler Pager of The Washington Post, Carville shrugged off the text, saying, “Of all the glitches they made, I guess this is pretty minor. It didn’t bother me as much as the debate. It’s kind of weird to see your name go out to half a million people.” While Carville remained unfazed, others saw the move as a sign of desperation within the Biden camp.

Carville has been open about his belief that Biden should not have run again, and his latest comments highlight a sentiment shared by many Democrats who fear that Biden’s campaign lacks the vigor and strategy needed to defeat Trump. As November approaches, the rift within the Democratic Party continues to widen, raising questions about the party’s direction and unity.

The Biden campaign’s response to Carville’s criticism—viewed by some as a shady tactic—illustrates the tensions and challenges they face internally. With the election looming, the focus remains on whether Biden can overcome these hurdles and rally the Democratic base or if it’s time for new leadership to take the helm.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.