Former President Donald Trump has indicated that airstrikes against Mexican drug cartels are “absolutely” a viable option if Mexico does not swiftly address the influx of fentanyl into the United States. During an interview with Jesse Watters broadcast on Tuesday, Trump was asked about his stance on the Republican-backed idea of military action against cartels. His response was unequivocal.

“Absolutely,” Trump asserted. “Mexico is going to have to straighten it out really fast or the answer is, absolutely. They’re killing 300,000 people a year with fentanyl coming in.” Trump’s remarks underscore his willingness to consider drastic measures to curb the fentanyl epidemic, which has claimed numerous American lives.

The former president also pointed to China’s involvement in the crisis, stating that the precursors for fentanyl are produced in China and then shipped to Mexico. “And China, by the way, will do what they have to do,” he emphasized. “They’re gonna do it just like I had to deal with President Xi. But then Biden never took it over, that we’re gonna give the death penalty to anybody sending fentanyl our way. And that was part of my negotiation. They never did it because nobody forced it on our side.”

Trump did not hold back his criticism of President Joe Biden’s handling of the situation. “Death penalty for drug dealers, death penalty for people that send fentanyl into our country,” Trump continued. “And that would have made a big difference. But you know what happened? Nothing because when Biden came in, nothing happened. And I don’t know why he’s so soft on China, but boy is he soft on China.”

Trump’s comments reflect his frustration with the current administration’s approach to both China and the ongoing fentanyl crisis. He highlighted his own negotiations with China, suggesting that a tougher stance, including the implementation of the death penalty for those involved in fentanyl trafficking, would have significantly impacted the situation.

Trump concluded by giving a stern warning to Mexico. He stated that the country would be given “a very short period of time” to control the flow of fentanyl, or they would face severe consequences from the United States. This hardline stance suggests that Trump is prepared to take extreme measures if elected again, signaling potential shifts in U.S. foreign policy towards both Mexico and China.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.