Democrats and the media are scrambling to paint JD Vance, Donald Trump’s running mate, in a negative light. For days, there’s been a concerted effort to brand Vance as ‘weird,’ but this narrative appears to be failing. According to a recent poll from the Wall Street Journal, Vance is more popular than Vice President Kamala Harris, challenging the establishment’s portrayal of the Republican nominee.

The poll results reveal that 42 percent of registered voters view Vance favorably, with 44 percent holding an unfavorable opinion. In comparison, Harris is seen unfavorably by 52 percent of voters, with only 46 percent viewing her positively. Notably, this is the most favorable rating Harris has achieved in the 2024 election cycle.

Harris’s popularity has consistently been a point of contention. Despite her significant role as Biden’s vice president, her approval ratings have remained low. This raises questions about why Democrats believe her likability will improve now that she is running for president.

CNN’s senior political data reporter, Harry Enten, recently expressed confusion over Trump’s decision to choose Vance as his running mate, citing Vance’s net favorability as subpar. However, the Wall Street Journal poll clearly indicates that Vance’s popularity surpasses that of Harris, contradicting media expectations.

Breitbart News highlighted this development, stating, “Polling Shows JD Vance More Popular than Kamala Harris, shattering the establishment media’s narrative.” This data not only defies the mainstream media’s portrayal but also underscores a significant shift in voter sentiment as the election approaches.

As the campaign season intensifies, the discrepancy in popularity between Vance and Harris is an embarrassing blow to Democrats. Despite efforts to undermine Vance’s image, he has garnered substantial support, suggesting that the media’s attempts to influence public perception are losing their impact.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.