As Vice President Kamala Harris continues to play a central role in the current administration, her track record on several key issues has come under increasing scrutiny. From her handling of immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border to her controversial stances on criminal justice, Harris’s policies have often raised more questions than they’ve answered. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most significant missteps that have defined her political career.

One of the most glaring issues in Harris’s portfolio is the ongoing crisis at the southern border. Appointed by President Joe Biden to lead the administration’s response to the surge in illegal immigration, Harris has faced criticism for her handling of the situation—or rather, her lack of it. Despite months of rising border crossings, Harris was slow to visit the border, which many saw as an attempt to distance herself from the growing political liability.

When she finally did make the trip, her visit was seen by many as a token gesture rather than a substantive effort to address the root causes of the crisis. Instead of focusing on immediate enforcement and border security measures, Harris shifted the conversation to the so-called “root causes” of migration, like poverty and violence in Central America. While these are important issues, critics argue that Harris’s approach has done little to stem the tide of illegal immigration. In fact, border crossings have continued to hit record highs under her watch, leading to a humanitarian and security crisis that shows no signs of abating.

Before becoming Vice President, Harris served as California’s Attorney General, where her record on criminal justice was far from progressive. Despite her claims of being a reformer, Harris’s tenure was marked by policies that many argue disproportionately harmed minority communities.

One of the most criticized aspects of her time as Attorney General was her aggressive prosecution of low-level offenses, including non-violent drug crimes. Harris’s office was also known for its harsh stance on truancy, threatening parents with jail time if their children missed too much school. Critics argue that these policies contributed to the over-incarceration of minority populations, a problem that Harris now claims to want to solve.

Moreover, Harris faced backlash for her initial opposition to independent investigations of police shootings. It wasn’t until public pressure mounted that she shifted her stance, a pattern that seems to have followed her into higher office. Her inconsistent positions have left many questioning her commitment to genuine criminal justice reform.

Harris’s stance on healthcare has also been a source of controversy. During her 2020 presidential campaign, she initially supported “Medicare for All,” a proposal to eliminate private health insurance in favor of a single-payer system. However, as the primary race progressed, Harris began to waver, eventually offering a confusing and watered-down version of the plan that left both progressives and moderates scratching their heads.

Her inability to articulate a clear and consistent healthcare policy has been a recurring theme in her political career. This lack of clarity has not only hurt her credibility with voters but has also raised concerns about her ability to lead on complex policy issues.

Harris’s forays into foreign policy have also been met with mixed reviews. Her first international trip as Vice President, to Guatemala and Mexico, was intended to address the root causes of migration but instead drew criticism for her handling of delicate diplomatic relations. Her blunt message to would-be migrants—”Do not come”—was seen as hypocritical given the administration’s earlier signals of a more welcoming approach to asylum seekers.

Additionally, Harris has been criticized for her limited engagement with world leaders and her lack of a coherent foreign policy vision. In an increasingly complex global landscape, her perceived inexperience and missteps have only added to the doubts about her leadership abilities.

Kamala Harris’s political career is marked by a series of policy failures and inconsistencies that raise serious concerns about her leadership. From her mishandling of the border crisis to her controversial criminal justice record and shifting positions on healthcare, Harris has often appeared more focused on political expediency than on delivering real solutions.

As Vice President, Harris holds one of the most powerful positions in the country, yet her track record suggests she may not be up to the task. With pressing issues like the border crisis, healthcare reform, and criminal justice on the national agenda, her ability to lead effectively will be under intense scrutiny.

Want to learn more about Harris’s track record, Google it. Don’t be fooled by the mainstream media who paints a very different picture.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.