In a move that has sparked conversations across the nation, the Green-David 2024 campaign has officially launched with a mission to transform America through peace, love, liberty, justice, and the nationwide legalization of marijuana. Led by Rev. Bud Green and Caribbean oil tycoon Alki David, this unconventional presidential protest campaign seeks to address issues that they believe have been ignored by traditional political parties.

Rev. Bud Green, a figure with a colorful history that includes orchestrating the Brooklyn Bridge White Flag Protest, has long been a vocal advocate for marijuana legalization. His running mate, Alki David, is an environmentalist and entrepreneur who emphasizes the health benefits of cannabis, both mental and physical, and the right of Americans to use it as freely as alcohol. Together, they have crafted a platform that not only challenges the status quo but also taps into a growing national sentiment favoring federal legalization.

David and Green’s campaign is more than just a push for cannabis reform; it’s a call to return to America’s roots. They point out that hemp was once a staple crop grown by founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Their vision includes planting hemp at significant landmarks in Washington, D.C., a symbolic gesture aimed at reconnecting modern America with its agricultural heritage.

In a move that has grabbed headlines, the Green-David campaign announced a $10 million reward for the first supporter who can successfully fly the POT party flag over the Brooklyn Bridge. This bold challenge not only draws attention to their cause but also highlights their willingness to take unorthodox steps to make their message heard.

Alki David has also praised recent moves by the U.S. Justice Department to reclassify marijuana, seeing it as a step in the right direction. However, he insists that more must be done, advocating for full federal legalization to support both the environment and public health.

The slogan “Because two (POT) heads are better than one” encapsulates the spirit of the Green-David campaign. It’s not just about promoting marijuana use but about advocating for broader principles of peace, love, and liberty. With growing public support for their platform, they are positioning themselves as the voice of Americans who feel disenfranchised by traditional politics.

As the country inches closer to its 248th birthday, the Green-David 2024 campaign is aiming to spark a new revolution—one that they hope will lead to a more peaceful, just, and free society.

By Justin Sanchez

Born with a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in hand, Justin showed early signs of his future as a conservative firebrand. Raised in a household where Rush Limbaugh's voice echoed through the halls, Justin was inspired to become a prominent figure in conservative journalism, in which he shares his support of Republican values.