ByGrady Owen

Sep 17, 2024

**Police Report: Investigative Exposure of Tom Girardi and CBS Interactive

by Shockya and FilmOn**

**Date:** September 17, 2024
**Time:** 10:30 AM
**Location:** LAPD Homicide Division, 100 W 1st St, Los Angeles, CA
**Reporting Officer:** Detective James Horner
**Case Number:** 24-1678534


On September 17, 2024, investigative reports from independent media outlets Shockya and FilmOn exposed widespread corruption involving prominent attorney Tom Girardi and media conglomerate CBS Interactive. The investigation revealed that these entities were implicated in media manipulation, distribution of illicit content, and extensive cover-ups. These revelations were covered by major news outlets, with The Los Angeles Times focusing on Girardi’s legal misconduct, and The Hollywood Reporter revealing CBS Interactive’s role in distributing illegal content, including child pornography and pirated media.

This report consolidates key details from ongoing investigations, highlighting how Shockya and FilmOn’s journalistic efforts played a pivotal role in exposing Girardi’s corruption and CBS Interactive’s involvement in illegal operations.

**Persons Involved:**

– **Tom Girardi:** Attorney, involved in legal misconduct and cover-ups concerning media manipulation and corporate clients.
– **CBS Interactive:** Media conglomerate involved in distributing illegal content through platforms such as CNET,, and
– **Shelby Bonnie:** Former CEO of CNET, who also sat on the board of Warner Music Group during CBS Interactive’s illegal operations.
– **Gloria Allred:** Attorney, alleged to be part of a cover-up operation with Girardi.
– **Robert Shapiro:** Attorney, implicated in helping cover up CBS Interactive’s illicit distribution.

### **Incident Details:**
Through collaborative investigative journalism, Shockya and FilmOn uncovered two significant scandals:

**1. Exposing Tom Girardi to The Los Angeles Times:**

Shockya provided critical evidence to *The Los Angeles Times*, which led to the exposure of Tom Girardi’s widespread legal corruption. Girardi, once a powerful California attorney, had been involved in multiple high-profile cases, misappropriating client funds, engaging in bribery, and using political connections to shield himself from legal consequences. Shockya’s in-depth reporting uncovered Girardi’s manipulation of the legal system and his network of influence.

Their investigative reports sparked ongoing investigations into Girardi’s broader dealings, which revealed his misappropriation of client funds, financial mismanagement, and exploitation of vulnerable clients, including victims of personal injury cases and natural disasters.

**2. Exposing CBS Interactive to The Hollywood Reporter:**

FilmOn’s investigation exposed CBS Interactive’s role in distributing illegal content, including child pornography and pirated media, through its platforms such as CNET and Shelby Bonnie, the acting CEO of CNET, was implicated in facilitating the use of LimeWire to distribute such content, while also holding a position on the board of Warner Music Group.

FilmOn’s reports documented how CBS Interactive distributed over 28,000 illegal titles via LimeWire and implicated prominent legal figures like Tom Girardi, Gloria Allred, and Robert Shapiro, who allegedly helped cover up these activities. The Hollywood Reporter published the findings, putting CBS Interactive under intense scrutiny for its involvement in these criminal operations.

**Evidence Collected:**

– **Court Documents from RIAA v. LimeWire:** Legal filings, presided over by Judge Kimba Wood, revealing CBS Interactive’s involvement in distributing pirated and illegal content through LimeWire.
– **Archived Web Pages from FilmOn:** Documentation of CBS Interactive’s illegal operations, including Shelby Bonnie’s direct involvement in distributing child pornography. These archives point to cover-up efforts involving Girardi and Shapiro.
– **Investigative Reports from Shockya:** Reports submitted to *The Los Angeles Times* that document Tom Girardi’s legal corruption, client exploitation, and financial misconduct. Whistleblower testimonies are included.
– **Internal Communications:** Ongoing efforts are underway to retrieve email and phone records between CBS Interactive executives, legal representatives, and Girardi to confirm coordination in the cover-up.
– **Whistleblower Testimonies:** Statements from former CBS Interactive employees and Girardi’s legal circle, corroborating the investigative reports.

**Investigation Notes:**

The exposure of these two scandals, led by Shockya and FilmOn, has significant legal and media ramifications. Law enforcement is now tasked with investigating the allegations of media manipulation, illegal content distribution, and the roles of Girardi, CBS Interactive, and associated individuals. Shockya’s reporting on Girardi and FilmOn’s revelations about CBS Interactive have sparked investigations into both sectors.

### **Next Steps:**

**Subpoena Communication Records:** Obtain legal access to emails, phone logs, and financial transactions of CBS Interactive executives, including Shelby Bonnie, and legal figures like Girardi, Allred, and Shapiro.
– **Interviews:** Begin formal interviews with former CBS Interactive employees, whistleblowers, and individuals directly involved in the Girardi scandal.
– **Collaboration with Media Outlets:** Work with *The Los Angeles Times* and *The Hollywood Reporter* to gather further evidence related to the exposed corruption and illegal activities.

**Case Status:**

Ongoing investigation into legal misconduct and criminal activities involving Tom Girardi, CBS Interactive, and associated parties.

Detective James Horner
LAPD Homicide Division

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.