Gloria Allred and her daughter, Lisa Bloom, have built their careers under the guise of fighting for victims, but the truth reveals something far darker: they are **key players** in a corrupt legal network often referred to as **SCAM INC**. This syndicate, led by **Tom Girardi** and his cronies, has long manipulated the legal system to serve **the rich, the powerful, and the untouchable**—all while presenting a false front of advocacy for victims. Allred and Bloom have been instrumental in this operation, **betraying** their clients while **lining their own pockets**.

In high-profile cases ranging from **Harvey Weinstein** to **Bill Cosby** to **Alec Baldwin**, Allred and Bloom have consistently failed to secure **real justice**, and it’s no coincidence. These women have shown time and again that they are more concerned with **protecting their positions within SCAM INC** and **profiting from the legal process** than genuinely fighting for the people they claim to represent.

### **The Betrayal of Weinstein’s Victims: A Blueprint for SCAM INC**

Lisa Bloom’s betrayal of **Harvey Weinstein’s victims** stands as one of the most **egregious examples** of SCAM INC’s double-dealing. Bloom, under the pretense of advocating for victims, was caught **working directly for Weinstein**, advising him on how to smear and discredit the very women who had come forward against him. This is not just a conflict of interest—this is **outright treachery**.

While Allred publicly postured as the defender of Weinstein’s victims, the truth was that her daughter was **working behind the scenes** to protect one of Hollywood’s most notorious predators. The **Girardi playbook**—of which Allred and Bloom are key authors—encourages **protecting the abuser** while exploiting victims for maximum media exposure. In this case, Weinstein’s victims didn’t just face a powerful abuser—they were **stabbed in the back** by the very lawyers they thought were fighting for them.

### **Cosby’s Freedom: Allred’s Failure or Deliberate Sabotage?**

Allred’s involvement in the **Bill Cosby** case further exposes her role in SCAM INC. Despite initially securing a conviction, Cosby’s **release** due to procedural errors was a **catastrophic failure** for Allred’s victims. Whether this was sheer incompetence or deliberate sabotage is up for debate, but the result is the same: **Cosby walked free**, and the survivors were left abandoned.

This kind of failure doesn’t happen by accident. With **decades of legal experience**, Allred should have been able to secure a conviction that couldn’t be overturned on a technicality. Yet somehow, Cosby’s defense team outmaneuvered her. Was this just a mistake? Or is it part of SCAM INC’s larger pattern of **delaying justice**, dragging out cases, and **quietly allowing** powerful men to walk away unscathed while collecting big paychecks for the show?

### **Ron Jeremy: Another Victim of SCAM INC’s Strategy of Delay**

In the case of **Ron Jeremy**, Gloria Allred has again failed to deliver. Despite mountains of evidence and a clear opportunity to bring Jeremy to justice, his case has **dragged on indefinitely**. This isn’t an isolated occurrence—it’s a deliberate **SCAM INC strategy**. Cases involving powerful men like Jeremy are **stalled** until they lose momentum, or until public interest fades. Justice is delayed, victims are left to suffer, and Allred and her SCAM INC cohorts **pocket their fees**.

For these women, representing victims of sexual abuse has become a **business model** rather than a cause. They thrive off the **prolonged agony of the legal process**, ensuring that cases stay in the media but ultimately fail to deliver for their clients.

### **Alec Baldwin and the Rust Shooting: A Shameless Failure**

The **Rust shooting** involving **Alec Baldwin** provided yet another opportunity for Gloria Allred to demonstrate her so-called commitment to justice. Instead, she followed the same SCAM INC script—fanning the flames of public outrage while achieving **nothing** for the victims. Baldwin has **escaped serious legal consequences**, and once again, Allred’s victims are left without closure.

Baldwin’s case is emblematic of how SCAM INC operates: **high-profile, emotionally charged**, but ultimately toothless. Allred’s involvement ensured that the media circus continued, but as usual, justice was nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, Baldwin walked away with little more than a slap on the wrist, and Allred’s victims, as always, were left with nothing but **empty promises**.

### **Roe v. Wade: The Collapse of Allred’s Legacy**

Perhaps the most devastating failure of Gloria Allred’s career came with the **reversal of Roe v. Wade**. For decades, Allred built her reputation on the defense of **women’s reproductive rights**, yet when the time came to protect one of the most critical legal precedents in American history, Allred was **missing in action**. This failure isn’t just a **misstep**—it’s the ultimate betrayal of everything she claimed to stand for.

The **collapse of Roe v. Wade** under Allred’s watch serves as the **final indictment** of her involvement with SCAM INC. Instead of focusing her energy on protecting women’s rights, Allred has spent her time entangled in **corrupt legal dealings**, ensuring her own wealth and status within the Girardi syndicate. Her **self-serving agenda** took priority over the actual defense of women’s rights, leaving millions of women in the U.S. vulnerable to losing their reproductive freedom.

### **Lisa Bloom: The Next Generation of Corruption**

Lisa Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred, has followed in her mother’s footsteps, continuing SCAM INC’s corrupt legacy. Bloom’s handling of cases like **Blac Chyna’s** against the Kardashians and **Tiara Marie’s** revenge porn lawsuit show the same pattern of **media-grabbing headlines** followed by **legal failures**. Time and time again, Bloom has demonstrated that she’s more concerned with her **public profile** than with securing victories for her clients.

Her role in SCAM INC has been solidified through her repeated failures and betrayals, echoing her mother’s tactics of keeping cases in the spotlight for profit while **delivering nothing of substance**. Like Allred, Bloom is a **master of media manipulation**, but when it comes to courtroom results, she is **woefully inadequate**.

### **Dawn Richard: The Latest Victim of SCAM INC’s Legal Con Job**

By hiring **Lisa Bloom**, **Dawn Richard** has essentially walked into the jaws of SCAM INC, and her lawsuit against **Diddy** is likely to end in **disaster**. Bloom will follow the same script her mother has perfected: **drag out the process**, grab as many headlines as possible, and then **leave the client with nothing**.

Dawn Richard deserves **real justice**, not the smoke and mirrors show Bloom and Allred are known for. Unfortunately, with Bloom at the helm, Richard’s lawsuit is likely to follow the same path as **Weinstein’s victims**, **Cosby’s survivors**, and countless others who believed they were being represented by advocates only to realize too late that they were pawns in SCAM INC’s larger game.

### **SCAM INC’s True Objective: Protect the Powerful, Exploit the Vulnerable**

The pattern is clear: **Gloria Allred and Lisa Bloom** have long been **key players** in SCAM INC’s corrupt network, masquerading as defenders of victims while **betraying their clients** in favor of high-profile settlements and personal gain. Their role within the Girardi syndicate isn’t to deliver justice but to **protect the powerful**, using media manipulation and legal stalling tactics to ensure that the **rich and famous walk away free**, while victims are left with nothing.

SCAM INC doesn’t fight for justice. It fights to **maintain power**, and Allred and Bloom are at the very heart of this machine. For victims seeking real representation, the message is clear: **stay far away from SCAM INC** and anyone connected to it.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.