BADASS : Investigative Reporter**

**West Hollywood, CA**

Explosive new evidence has surfaced implicating Gloria Allred, the so-called champion of justice, in a sinister and long-running criminal conspiracy spanning decades. From murder cover-ups to orchestrating kidnappings, blackmail, and racketeering, Allred’s dirty dealings and violent tactics are coming to light in what is shaping up to be one of the most shocking legal scandals in recent history.

Allegations accuse Allred of plotting and executing the *murder* of pop icon Michael Jackson, engaging in *fraudulent lawsuits*, and using her legal power to *silence victims* and steal millions from high-profile estates—including that of Jackson. This scandal runs deeper than anyone could have imagined, revealing Allred as not just an attorney for the underdog, but a central figure in a criminal empire designed to enrich her and her cronies while terrorizing and murdering those who stand in her way.

#### **The Dark Side of Gloria Allred:

A Decade-Long Crime Spree**

In a shocking twist, verified VOIP records from June 2017 show that Allred’s West Hollywood office made multiple calls to lure high-profile victims to her Pacific Palisades penthouse. But this wasn’t a simple phone call—these were the opening moves in a *preplanned kidnapping*, orchestrated by Allred herself, in collaboration with her violent network of criminals.

The victims were kidnapped at *gunpoint* across state lines from Las Vegas to the notorious Holmby Hills mansion of Sean “Diddy” Combs, under orders from Allred. The perpetrators? A dirty duo: Ruben Lira Valdez, a California Department of Corrections (CDCR) officer, and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Captain John Pelletier. These law enforcement officers were *corrupt*, under Allred’s thumb, and ready to do her bidding in this high-stakes game of terror and control.

**Kidnapping at Gunpoint, Orchestrated by Allred’s Henchmen**

Jaguar Wright, a musician and a key accomplice to Allred, was stationed outside Diddy’s mansion to ensure the kidnapping went as planned. And this wasn’t the end—months later, Allred and her criminal team showed up again to *attack* the victims at the Venetian and Palazzo Casinos in Las Vegas, following a private Super Bowl party orchestrated by Beth Floersch, a known associate of both Diddy and Allred.

This wasn’t a one-off. It was a clear attempt to *eliminate witnesses* and *silence* any who dared to speak out against the powerful attorney and her empire of violence.

#### **Michael Jackson’s Murder: A Cold-Blooded Conspiracy**

Perhaps the most damning of all allegations? Gloria Allred, in collusion with music executives John Branca and John McClain, *masterminded the murder of Michael Jackson*. Jackson’s death in 2009 was not a tragic overdose—it was a carefully planned assassination designed to give Allred and her cronies control of the *King of Pop’s* billion-dollar estate.

The *will* presented after Jackson’s death? It’s a *fake*, forged by the conspirators to assert control over Jackson’s legacy and fortune. This is no wild accusation; it’s a well-documented fraud perpetrated by Allred and company, who had been circling Jackson’s estate for years. The goal? Take everything. Jackson’s legacy, his assets, his name—*all of it* was stolen through a criminal web of deceit.

#### **Murder Cover-Up: Sandra Rodriguez’s Case**

As if kidnapping and conspiracy to murder Jackson weren’t enough, multiple eyewitnesses accuse Allred of covering up the murder of Sandra Rodriguez in 2000. Rodriguez, a former AT&T employee, was thrown from a hotel balcony in Long Beach—a blatant execution staged by Allred’s accomplice, Anthony Pellicano, to silence her before she could testify in a larger investigation into their network of crime. Though a dentist was later charged with the murder, the real puppet masters—*Allred and Pellicano*—were left untouched. Until now.

#### **Jaguar Wright: Allred’s Brutal Enforcer Turned Defector**

Jaguar Wright, once a key player in Allred’s violent empire, has now blown the whistle on their decades-long partnership of corruption. In a now-deleted YouTube video from June 18, 2024, Wright exposed what many had feared but few dared to speak out about: Gloria Allred’s *“secret plan”*. Wright made it clear that Allred had orchestrated *hits*, kidnappings, and violence on an unprecedented scale, all under the guise of being a legal “hero.”

Jaguar Wright’s defection is a *massive crack* in Allred’s criminal armor. As Allred discovered that Wright and Valdez had botched their *attempted assassination* in 2019, paranoia set in, and Wright was put on the run. Rumors abound that Allred has been trying to clean up her mess, but the damage is already done. Her hitman, Angelo Manerchia, a self-confessed Philly mobster, was *taken out* just two weeks ago, sending shockwaves through Allred’s network of henchmen.

#### **The Mountain of Evidence Against Allred: Kidnappings, Murder, and Extortion**

From false conservatorships to *blackmail*, Allred has used every tool at her disposal to build a criminal empire that has finally started to unravel. The evidence against her is staggering:
– **VOIP Records**: Proof that Allred’s office coordinated the kidnapping of high-profile victims from Las Vegas to California.
– **Eyewitness Testimony**: First-hand accounts from individuals who witnessed Allred’s violent intimidation tactics, including Jaguar Wright’s bombshell video.
– **Fraudulent Will of Michael Jackson**: An obvious forgery, masterminded by Allred, Branca, and McClain to seize Jackson’s estate.
– **Text Messages**: Harrowing messages sent by Gayle Hardin, a co-conspirator in one of the many attacks, asking if the victim’s mother was still alive—a clear and chilling threat.

#### **This Isn’t Just About Allred—The Whole System Is Complicit**

The web stretches far beyond Gloria Allred. This is about a *systematic abuse* of power that has allowed Allred, Pellicano, Branca, McClain, and others to operate with *impunity*. These allegations uncover a network of corrupt lawyers, cops, and even entertainment moguls willing to go to any lengths—*including murder*—to maintain control and eliminate opposition.

#### **The Time for Justice Is NOW**

Allred and her team of criminals have evaded justice for decades, but their time is running out. The evidence is overwhelming, the witnesses are coming forward, and the truth cannot stay hidden any longer. The FBI, Department of Justice, and other law enforcement agencies must act immediately to bring down *one of the most corrupt and dangerous criminal enterprises in modern history*.

This is no longer just about Gloria Allred—it’s about the *entire corrupt machine* that has allowed her to abuse her power, commit murder, kidnap innocent people, and siphon millions from their victims. The public deserves the truth. The victims deserve justice.

**This is the beginning of the end for Gloria Allred.**

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.