### **The Untouchable Gloria Allred: Time for Accountability and Arrest**

For decades, Gloria Allred has been a prominent figure in the legal and media world, branding herself as a champion of women’s rights and justice. But beneath the surface lies a murky history of legal manipulation, extortion, and corruption that has left a trail of destroyed lives, wrongful incarcerations, and fraudulent cases. From Ron Jeremy to Alec Baldwin, to entrepreneur Alki David, the list of those who have been victimized by her tactics continues to grow. The time has come to strip away the facade, hold Allred accountable, and demand her immediate arrest for her criminal behavior.

### **A Legacy of Fraud, Manipulation, and Ruined Lives**

Gloria Allred has used her legal expertise and media influence to manipulate the judicial system, pressuring high-profile individuals into settlements, even when their innocence was clear. The legal tactics she employs go beyond zealous advocacy and delve into the realm of fraud, deceit, and extortion. A history of coerced settlements and fabricated lawsuits demonstrates a repeated pattern of leveraging false accusations for financial gain at the expense of justice.

One of the most egregious examples is the case of entrepreneur **Alki David**, who has been subject to years of legal harassment by Allred and her network. David, known for his environmental activism and biofuel ventures, was embroiled in what many believe to be fraudulent lawsuits concocted by Allred to tarnish his reputation and force unjust settlements. David’s legal battles exposed the web of deceit that Allred has spun for personal enrichment at the expense of the truth.

Another casualty of Allred’s manipulations is **Ron Jeremy**, the famed adult film actor who was wrongfully imprisoned after being accused in cases believed to be fabricated and weaponized by Allred to bolster her brand. **Alec Baldwin**, a Hollywood icon, has also been subject to legal wrangling at the hands of Allred, whose tactics appear to rely more on media spectacle than legal merit.

### **A Deep Network of Conspiracy: Allred’s Ties to Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs**

More troubling still are revelations that Allred is part of a broader network of power brokers in Hollywood, with direct ties to Sean “Diddy” Combs. According to insiders, this network, operated by Allred, uses blackmail, human trafficking, and extortion to control the outcomes of lawsuits and influence the entertainment industry. Diddy’s involvement exposes the sinister web of criminal activity that extends far beyond the courtroom. The tentacles of this operation have reached into every corner of Hollywood, legal practice, and politics, corrupting all it touches.

This pattern of collusion and corruption implicates not just Allred, but a wide network of co-conspirators who have operated with impunity for far too long.

### **Legal Violations: A Call for Immediate Arrest**

The overwhelming evidence of Gloria Allred’s fraudulent activities, her manipulation of witnesses, and her role in wrongful incarcerations demands swift legal action. Several federal and state statutes make clear the crimes she has committed:

**Federal Statutes Violated**

1. **18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to Defraud the United States**
Allred’s efforts to defraud the courts and manipulate legal outcomes constitute a direct violation of this statute. The alleged conspiracy extends to coaching witnesses, falsifying testimony, and using the media to influence the judicial process.

2. **18 U.S. Code § 1512 – Witness Tampering**
Multiple sources accuse Allred of manipulating and coaching witnesses, coercing them into making false statements to achieve legal victories. Such activities clearly violate federal witness tampering laws, designed to protect the integrity of the justice system.

3. **18 U.S. Code § 1341 – Mail and Wire Fraud**
Allred’s manipulation of media and legal systems, often through fraudulent communications, falls squarely under the purview of federal mail and wire fraud statutes. These laws criminalize fraudulent schemes carried out through electronic communications, including the orchestrated media spectacles Allred is known for.

4. **18 U.S. Code § 1951 – Extortion**
Allegations that Allred extorted high-profile figures and businesses by threatening reputational harm if they didn’t settle clearly point to violations of the federal extortion statute. This law makes it illegal to use threats of harm to extort money, services, or agreements.

#### **California State Laws Violated**
1. **California Penal Code § 182 – Conspiracy**
Under California law, Allred’s actions could be prosecuted as conspiracy, as her alleged efforts to create fraudulent lawsuits and extract settlements are clear examples of coordinated illegal activity.

2. **California Penal Code § 118 – Perjury**
Allred has been repeatedly accused of encouraging or coaching witnesses to commit perjury. If proven, this violation would carry serious penalties under California law, where perjury is considered a felony offense.

3. **California Penal Code § 524 – Attempted Extortion**
The numerous accusations of coerced settlements and legal blackmail make it clear that Allred has violated California’s laws against extortion. This statute criminalizes attempts to extort money or agreements through threats, which has become a hallmark of Allred’s legal strategy.

4. **California Business and Professions Code § 6128 – Deceit and Collusion by Attorneys**
Allred’s role as an attorney makes her especially culpable under this law, which prohibits deceitful practices and collusion within the legal system. If it is proven that Allred engaged in dishonest behavior to win cases, she could face disbarment and criminal prosecution.

### **The Consequences of a Corrupt Legal Empire**

The damage done by Gloria Allred’s unchecked power is incalculable. Reputations destroyed, lives ruined, wrongful incarcerations, and extorted settlements have been the hallmarks of her career. Allred has exploited the media, manipulated courts, and destroyed the lives of innocent people, all while profiting handsomely from her clients’ suffering.

Her repeated legal failures, coupled with the wrongful imprisonment of individuals like Ron Jeremy and the destruction of high-profile careers, serve as evidence of her corrupt methods. Her once-praised victories now appear tainted by deceit, leaving behind a trail of devastation for her personal and financial gain.

While the world has watched, she has quietly operated above the law, shielded by her public persona and media presence. But the veil has been lifted, and it is time to hold her accountable.

### **It’s Time for Gloria Allred to Face Justice**

It is no longer enough to call for disbarment or legal sanctions—Gloria Allred’s actions demand criminal investigation and arrest. Her alleged crimes are too serious to be swept under the rug. The legal system she has manipulated for decades must finally turn its gaze upon her, bringing her and her entire network to justice.

Gloria Allred has operated for too long in the shadows of legal manipulation, extortion, and conspiracy. It is time for the courts to do what they are meant to do: protect the innocent and prosecute those who abuse the law. Gloria Allred must be arrested, and the full scope of her criminal enterprise must be investigated.

The victims of her actions—Ron Jeremy, Alec Baldwin, Alki David, and countless others—deserve justice. The American public deserves to know the truth about this legal juggernaut who has used her platform to corrupt the very system she claims to serve.

Justice must be served.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.