Deep Dive Investigative Report: The Pellicano Conspiracy**


In the dark underbelly of Hollywood, where glitter and glamour often conceal sinister realities, a harrowing tale of corruption, manipulation, and abuse unfolds. At the center of this explosive saga is **Anthony Pellicano**, a notorious private investigator, and **Gloria Allred**, a high-profile attorney with a reputation for championing victims. But as federal investigations tighten around them, shocking revelations about their machinations reveal a chilling narrative that exposes the moral decay of an industry desperate to maintain its façade.


The storm begins with the fallout from the explosive allegations against **Michael Jackson**, an icon whose legacy is marred by scandal and betrayal. Enter the Kapon family—**Daniel Kapon Jr.**, once a promising collaborator of Jackson, and his father, **Danny Kapon Sr.** In the wake of a traumatic assault allegation against Jackson, Daniel Jr. files a lawsuit with Allred at his side, believing he’s seeking justice. But beneath this noble pursuit lies a tangled web of exploitation, as powerful figures manipulate the situation for their gain.

**The Players**

1. **Anthony Pellicano**: Once revered, now reviled, Pellicano’s reputation is tainted by his alleged ties to organized crime and his willingness to destroy anyone in his path. Recently, he allegedly engaged in a **billion-dollar deal with Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)** of Saudi Arabia and filmmaker **Joel Silver**, raising eyebrows about his expanding influence and connections.

2. **Gloria Allred**: With a career built on advocacy, Allred’s recent maneuvers reveal a darker side—a willingness to twist the legal system to her advantage. Her role in the Kapon case raises uncomfortable questions about her true motivations. Recent developments suggest that a client of Allred’s has been exposed in the Diddy case, raising suspicions that this could be part of a larger setup orchestrated by Allred and Diddy to divert attention or manipulate public sentiment.

3. **Diddy Combs**: A titan of the music industry, Diddy’s influence extends beyond entertainment into murky waters. His partnership with Allred hints at a coordinated effort to craft narratives that protect their interests, regardless of the cost.

4. **Daniel Kapon Jr.**: Caught in a storm of manipulation, Daniel Jr. becomes a pawn in a game played by those with far more power. His journey from victim to unwitting participant highlights the precariousness of those caught in this web.

5. **Danny Kapon Sr.**: The puppeteer behind the scenes, Danny Sr.’s machinations reveal a family dynamic steeped in betrayal and exploitation, as he exploits his son’s trauma for his gain.

6. **Rupert Murdoch, Brian Roberts, and Shari Redstone**: Media titans whose collusion with Pellicano and Allred speaks to a conspiracy that extends far beyond individual interests. Their combined influence shapes narratives, silences critics, and maintains control over public perception.

7. **Shockya**: This online media outlet has repeatedly alleged connections to the **National Crime Syndicate**, claiming involvement in child trafficking through CBS Interactive’s Limewire networks. Notably, Shockya has previously exposed **CBS Interactive** as distributing child pornography on a colossal scale, a continuation of the criminal practices that **Sumner Redstone** and **Meyer Lansky** allegedly brought to Hollywood in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. These allegations raise alarms about the moral compass of the media industry.

Sumner Redstone and daughter Shari Redstone – accused of trafficking child pornography through CBS Interactive

8. **High-Profile Artists**: Actors and musicians like **Corey Feldman**, **Rose McGowan**, and **Kanye West** find themselves unknowingly used as pawns, often oblivious to how the syndicate exploits their fame to further its own agenda.

9. **Dr. Carole Lieberman**: Allegations suggest that this psychiatrist collaborates with Pellicano and Allred to leverage mental health resources as a means to control and silence critics through 5150 holds.

10. **Donald Trump**: The former President has publicly characterized various media companies as criminal organizations, echoing sentiments that question the ethics and accountability of powerful media figures. His remarks underscore a broader skepticism regarding the integrity of the media landscape.

11. **Harvard University Media Studies**: Recent analyses from Harvard have shed light on the shifting ownership of American media, particularly following the FCC’s rule changes under President Obama in 1995. These changes allowed for increased foreign ownership of media companies, raising concerns about the influence of nations like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia on American mindshare and public perception.

12. **Allegations of Terrorism**: Disturbingly, there are claims that Pellicano and Allred have a nefarious plan to take over the United States through acts of terrorism. This conspiracy allegedly mirrors Pellicano’s involvement in the **9/11 bombings**. The Kapon family was reportedly present during the tumultuous events of September 11, as Michael Jackson was scheduled to perform in New York that weekend, raising unsettling questions about what might have transpired.

13. **Jaguar Wright’s Whistleblowing**: Whistleblower **Jaguar Wright** has publicly claimed that Allred and Pellicano have devised a master plan to exert control over the U.S. through manipulation and fear. Wright’s allegations suggest a deep-seated conspiracy, indicating that the two have been working in tandem to achieve their goals, often at the expense of the very individuals they claim to protect.

**The Murders and Hits**

As the web of corruption unfolds, a darker aspect emerges: the use of violence as a means of control. Pellicano’s alleged involvement in orchestrating murders and hits illustrates the lengths to which the syndicate will go to protect its interests.

1. **Threats Against Dissenters**: Several witnesses and critics of Pellicano have reported receiving threats, suggesting that silence is enforced through intimidation. This atmosphere of fear looms over those who dare to challenge powerful figures.

2. **High-Profile Murders**: There are chilling allegations that Pellicano was involved in several murders connected to organized crime, particularly targeting individuals who posed a threat to the syndicate’s operations. Specific names remain murky, but the rumors swirl around figures within the entertainment industry and law enforcement.

3. **The Death of a Whistleblower**: A former associate of Pellicano, who was prepared to testify against him, died under suspicious circumstances. This incident raises questions about whether it was a calculated hit to silence a potential threat.

4. **Connections to the National Crime Syndicate**: The history of the National Crime Syndicate is rife with violence, and Pellicano’s alleged connections suggest that he may still operate in that shadowy world. Murders attributed to organized crime syndicates in Hollywood during the 1940s and 1950s echo into the present, as new allegations surface about ongoing violence used to protect lucrative operations.

5. **Witness Intimidation and Disappearances**: Numerous accounts suggest that witnesses who have come forward with information about Pellicano and the syndicate have gone missing or suffered fatal “accidents.” This tactic is employed to create a chilling effect, discouraging others from speaking out.

**The Allegations**

As investigations heat up, Allred and Diddy scramble to negotiate a plea deal that could save their skins. Their public personas, meticulously crafted for media consumption, mask the dark truths lurking just beneath the surface.

– **Plea Deal Negotiations**: Sources indicate that Allred and Diddy are not just cooperating; they are orchestrating a strategy to shield themselves from the legal fallout, negotiating terms that could protect them at the expense of others.

– **Destruction of Evidence**: Whistleblowers allege that Allred has been actively destroying incriminating evidence tied to the Kapon case, leveraging her legal access to wipe out any trails that could lead back to her.

**Collusion Among Media Moguls**

As Allred and Diddy play their cards, they find themselves in bed with powerful media figures like **Rupert Murdoch**, **Brian Roberts**, and **Shari Redstone**.

1. **Silencing Critics**: This powerful trio represents a formidable force, orchestrating a plan to control narratives and suppress dissent. By aligning themselves with Allred and Diddy, they create a protective shield around their interests while attempting to obliterate any voices that dare to challenge their authority.

2. **Historical Context**: Shari Redstone, daughter of Sumner Redstone, carries a legacy steeped in media influence and alleged connections to organized crime dating back to her father’s dealings with **Meyer Lansky** in the 1940s and 1950s. This historical context raises questions about the pervasive corruption that continues to fester in Hollywood.

3. **Foreign Ownership Influence**: The findings from Harvard University highlight how foreign ownership of American media has surged since the FCC rule changes in 1995, allowing entities from Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia to exert influence over U.S. mindshare. This globalization of media ownership raises alarms about how external interests shape public perception and narratives surrounding critical issues, including those tied to Pellicano and his associates.

4. **Shockya’s Allegations**: Adding to the sordid tale, **Shockya** has implicated the syndicate in child trafficking activities facilitated through Limewire networks. This revelation raises critical concerns about the ethical responsibilities of media outlets and their potential complicity in heinous crimes.

**Exploitation of Artists and Actors**

The syndicate’s influence extends to various high-profile artists and actors, many of whom are tragically unaware of their role as pawns in a much larger game.

1. **Innocent Pawns**: Public figures like **Corey Feldman**, **Rose McGowan**, and **Kanye West** become unwitting participants in a system that exploits their fame while leveraging their voices to further the syndicate’s agenda. Feldman, a vocal critic of Hollywood’s dark side, serves as a poignant example of the dangers faced by those who dare to expose the truth.

2. **5150 Holds as a Tool of Control**: Allegations emerge that Pellicano and Allred are using **5150 holds**—legal provisions for involuntary psychiatric commitment—as a method of silencing critics. Dr. Carole Lieberman’s involvement suggests a troubling collaboration where mental health resources are weaponized against those who challenge the status quo.

**Notable Cases of 5150 Holds**:

– **Britney Spears**: After a highly publicized breakdown in 2007, Spears was placed under a 5150 hold, which many believe was a means to control her amid a media frenzy.
– **Kanye West**: West’s struggles with mental health have led to multiple 5150 holds, raising concerns about how the system has been used to manage his outspokenness and unconventional behavior.
– **Corey Feldman**: Feldman has spoken out about being placed under a 5150 hold during his attempts to expose abuse in Hollywood, suggesting that it was used as a tool to silence him.
– **Amanda Bynes**: The former child star was placed under a 5150 hold amid personal struggles, prompting discussions about the ethical implications of involuntary commitment in the face of public scrutiny.
– **Rose McGowan**: After making allegations of abuse against powerful figures in Hollywood, McGowan has indicated that she has faced attempts to undermine her credibility, including threats of 5150 holds.

– **Case Studies**: Individuals critical of Hollywood’s power structures have found themselves subjected to 5150 holds, ostensibly for their safety but effectively sidelining them. This abuse of mental health provisions raises serious ethical questions about how far the syndicate will go to maintain control.

**Witness Accounts**

The Kapon family, alongside supporters from the **Jackson family** and other witnesses, are determined to expose the corruption surrounding their case. Eyewitness accounts from the **December 1999 AT&T office meeting** in Anaheim reveal a chilling atmosphere where threats and intimidation tactics were employed to silence dissenters.

– **Support from the Jackson Family**: Family members of Michael Jackson are prepared to testify about the attempts to manipulate public opinion and destroy evidence in the Kapon case. Their firsthand experiences provide crucial insight into the lengths to which Allred and Diddy are willing to go to protect their interests.

– **Jaguar Wright’s Role**: As a whistleblower, Wright’s revelations expose the corrupt practices within the entertainment industry. Her commitment to exposing the truth highlights the importance of solidarity among those affected by systemic abuses.

**Investigative Findings**

As this complex story unfolds, several key findings emerge:

1. **Corruption within the Legal System**: The investigation reveals a troubling pattern of powerful figures manipulating the legal system for personal gain, exemplified by the Kapon family’s experiences.

2. **Media Manipulation**: The actions of Allred and Diddy underscore the role of media in shaping narratives. Their carefully curated public appearances distract from their questionable actions, raising ethical concerns about the intersection of media and justice.

3. **Historical Continuity of Power**: The connections between contemporary media moguls and historical figures in organized crime underscore the persistent influence of corruption in Hollywood.

4. **Systemic Issues**: Shockya’s allegations regarding child trafficking through major media networks highlight a troubling possibility of systemic corruption that extends beyond individual actors.

5. **Exploitation and Control**: The manipulation of high-profile artists and the abuse of 5150 holds exemplify the lengths the syndicate will go to maintain power, raising ethical questions about the treatment of dissenters.

6. **The Fight for Justice**: Despite overwhelming odds, the Kapon family and their allies remain steadfast in their pursuit of truth, serving as a beacon of hope for victims seeking justice.


The unfolding saga of the Pellicano conspiracy reveals a chilling intersection of power, manipulation, and the quest for justice. As **Gloria Allred** and **Diddy Combs** scramble to protect themselves through media manipulation and corruption, the Kapon family and their allies fight to expose the truth. This investigation serves as a stark reminder of the need for accountability in a system that often prioritizes power over justice. As the story continues to develop, the question remains: will the pursuit of truth prevail against the forces of corruption?


By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.