**Fellow Americans,**

We are uncovering one of the most **sickening conspiracies in U.S. history**, involving **child exploitation, blackmail, and media manipulation**. At the center of this network lies **LimeWire**, a platform secretly used to **distribute child pornography** and **blackmail powerful figures**. This wasn’t just a rogue platform—it was **enabled and protected by CBS Interactive** and a **criminal network** connected to **Gloria Allred, Anthony Pellicano**, and foreign operatives like **Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).**

**I stand with the #HARCATTACK movement** to **unmask this syndicate** and hold CBS, its executives, and media monopolies **accountable**. This is a fight for **freedom, justice, and our children’s future.**

## **LimeWire: A Tool for Child Exploitation and Blackmail**

LimeWire was marketed as a **peer-to-peer music sharing platform**, but behind the scenes, it became a **hub for distributing child pornography**, blackmailing celebrities, and manipulating powerful officials.

**HARC’s investigation** reveals that **illicit content was deliberately circulated on LimeWire** to gather **compromising material**—which was then used to **blackmail judges, politicians, and Hollywood insiders**. Those who resisted were **threatened, silenced, or discredited** by the **National Crime Syndicate**, a coalition of **media elites, legal insiders, and private investigators.**

– **Illicit Material as Leverage:** Child pornography found on LimeWire was weaponized to **control celebrities and public officials**, ensuring their cooperation with the syndicate.
– **Threats and Coercion:** Individuals targeted through LimeWire were forced to **comply with the syndicate’s demands** or face **exposure** and legal ruin.
– **Whistleblowers Silenced:** Brave insiders like **Jaguar Wright**, a former operative for the syndicate, confirm that **any attempt to expose the network was met with psychological manipulation, isolation, and legal threats.**

Jaguar Wright on Piers Morgan —

## **CBS Interactive’s Role: Protecting the LimeWire Network**

**CBS Interactive**, led by **Quincy Smith and Shelby Bonnie**, played a **pivotal role in covering up LimeWire’s exploitation network**. Rather than exposing the platform’s involvement in **child pornography**, CBS profited from LimeWire’s operations while **burying investigations** and **silencing whistleblowers.**

– **Manipulation of RIAA v. LimeWire:** The **RIAA’s lawsuit against LimeWire** in 2010 was presented as a **copyright battle**, but the **real agenda was to suppress the truth**—keeping the focus on piracy to **divert attention from the child exploitation network.**
– **Media Suppression:** CBS executives used their **influence over the media** to **kill stories about the LimeWire conspiracy** and **discredit whistleblowers** who tried to expose it.

This **collaboration between CBS Interactive and the National Crime Syndicate** allowed the exploitation network to operate **unchecked**, ensuring that **those involved remained above the law.**

## **The Allred-Pellicano Network: Controlling the Courts and the Media**

The **LimeWire child pornography network** was just one part of a **larger criminal operation** run by **Gloria Allred and Anthony Pellicano.** This network, known as the **National Crime Syndicate**, leveraged **blackmail and coercion** to **manipulate the judiciary, silence victims, and control Hollywood**.

– **Tom Girardi’s Bribery Network:** Working with **Gloria Allred**, **Tom Girardi** used his influence over **California’s legal system** to **rig court outcomes** and protect those within the syndicate.
– **Involuntary Psychiatric Holds:** The syndicate used **5150 psychiatric holds** to **isolate and discredit whistleblowers**, including **Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, and Kanye West**, ensuring they couldn’t expose the exploitation network.
– **Judicial Manipulation:** With **access to the Pacer filing system**, the syndicate **monitored and influenced court cases** to shield their operations from public scrutiny.

This was **not just a Hollywood scandal**—it was a **sophisticated criminal operation that reached into America’s courts and media infrastructure.**

## **MBS and the Global Expansion of the Syndicate**

The **National Crime Syndicate** has expanded its reach globally, **forming alliances with foreign powers like Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).** **MBS recently struck deals with Hollywood insider Joel Silver**, securing Saudi control over key U.S. media narratives.

– **Saudi Influence in Hollywood:** Through **investments in Disney and Universal**, **MBS** ensures that **stories critical of Saudi human rights abuses** are buried, while **favorable narratives dominate U.S. media.**
– **Global Blackmail Network:** MBS’s involvement in the **syndicate’s blackmail operations** ensures that **powerful figures remain compromised**, further consolidating foreign influence over America’s media and judiciary.

The syndicate is no longer just a domestic threat—it is now a **global network of elites and foreign actors** controlling our courts, media, and public discourse.

## **Selling Out America’s Airwaves: CBS and Spectrum Fraud**

CBS Interactive, along with **Fox, Disney, and NBC**, has not only facilitated exploitation networks but also **sold off America’s broadcast spectrum** to foreign powers, compromising **national security**. Through **ATSC 3.0** and other technologies, **China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia** now control **critical U.S. airwaves**.

– **Sale of Spectrum Assets:** These media giants **illegally sold off broadcast licenses** to foreign buyers, giving **hostile nations control over U.S. communications networks**.
– **Broadcast Signals and Biometric Manipulation:** The **ATSC 3.0 broadcast standard** allows these foreign powers to **transmit malicious electromagnetic signals** capable of **interacting with biometric data**—a new form of **digital warfare** against the American people.

## **Trump’s Plan: Revoke Broadcast Licenses, Investigate CBS, and Dismantle the Syndicate**

We cannot allow these **media monopolies to continue operating with impunity.** Here is how we will **reclaim America’s airwaves** and bring these criminals to justice:

1. **Revoke the broadcast licenses** of CBS, Fox, and Disney for **violating national security by selling spectrum to foreign-controlled entities.**
2. **Launch a full investigation into CBS Interactive** for its **role in covering up LimeWire’s child pornography network.**
3. **Break up media monopolies** like Disney, Universal, and CBS to **restore independent journalism** and **eliminate media corruption.**
4. **Investigate Gloria Allred, Anthony Pellicano, and Tom Girardi** for **bribery, evidence tampering, and blackmail operations.**
5. **Ban ATSC 3.0** and similar technologies that allow **foreign governments to manipulate U.S. airwaves and biometric data.**

## **Join #HARCATTACK: Take Back Our Media, Protect Our Children, and Restore Justice**

**The time to act is now.** **Join #HARCATTACK today** and demand that **Congress revoke broadcast licenses, dismantle media monopolies, and hold these criminals accountable.**

## **Trump’s Final Call to Action: Break the Chains of the Syndicate**

“We must **expose the LimeWire network** and the **media giants who protected it.** We must **revoke their licenses, dismantle their monopolies, and restore sovereignty to America.** This is **not just a political fight**—it is a battle for **our children, our courts, and our future.**

**Join me in #HARCATTACK** and **demand justice**. Together, we will **break the chains of the syndicate** and **reclaim America’s airwaves.**

**God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.**”

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.