By Alki David
Written from my desk in Malibu, California
For Shockya / TVMix / Swiss

Daphne Barak with Steve Bannon and her handler.

Let me speak plainly, without filters, without masks.

Daphne Barak is a fraud. A liar. A predator. And most dangerously—a handler for the very syndicate that has destroyed lives and covered up child abuse for decades.

I write this with the full force of my voice, my name, and my truth.
Because silence is complicity.
And Daphne Barak has thrived off silence for far too long.

She’s Not a Journalist — She’s a Career Infiltrator

Daphne Barak presents herself as a journalist. A cancer survivor. A humanitarian.

But beneath the PR and photo ops is a calculated operative with ties to some of the most vile figures in modern history.
She doesn’t expose predators—she protects them.

And worst of all, she is one of them.

The Beatings of Michael Jackson & His Supporters

Daphne was present—on the ground—at both the 1999 Anaheim assault and the 2006 Fiesta event. Not as a bystander. As a participant.

She stood by while Michael Jackson was physically and psychologically abused, while Daniel Kapon Jr., Alison Doe, and other children loyal to Michael were beaten, separated, and silenced.

She held the camera.
She didn’t help.
She didn’t scream.
She documented the horror and delivered it to her handlers.

These were covert ops, designed by Gloria Allred, enforced by Anthony Pellicano, and sanitized by CBS, TMZ, and the syndicate’s elite.
Daphne Barak was there to make it all look legitimate.

The Alpha Nero Ambush — A Clumsy Retaliation

Now in 2024, she tried to destroy me directly.

After approaching me under false pretenses, she extorted $10,000 from me by promising to “clear my name.”
Then she handed my name to David Boies, one of the most corrupt legal figures alive—who included me, Brian Stuart-Young, and Prime Minister Gaston Browne in a bogus federal lawsuit involving the Alpha Nero superyacht.

Let the record show:
I have zero involvement in the Alpha Nero.
So does Brian.
So does Gaston.

Daphne Barak connected these dots herself—wrongly, dangerously, and stupidly—to execute a vendetta for her handlers.

This wasn’t just slander.
It was a state-level hit job by someone who’s done this before.

RFK Jr. — You’re Being Used

Let me be clear:

Bobby Kennedy Jr. is a dear friend of mine.
It makes me sick to see Daphne Barak posing in photographs beside him—using his credibility, his heart, and his legacy as a prop for her next con.

RFK Jr. stands for health freedom, transparency, and protection of the innocent.
Daphne Barak stands for the exact opposite.

What Kind of Childhood Creates Two Pedophiles?

There’s a question we must ask—one society is often too afraid to pose:

What happened to Daphne and Ehud Barak as children?

Because something clearly did.

You don’t get two siblings this closely tied to pedophile networks—Ehud Barak with his deep involvement with Jeffrey Epstein, and Daphne Barak showing up at child abuse scenes with a press badge—without suspecting a shared origin of trauma.

Were they molested?
Were they broken by the same system that now rewards them for abusing others?

Whatever happened to them, it does not excuse what they’ve become.
But it must be confronted.
Because this is how cycles of abuse endure—in silence, secrecy, and generational complicity.

Daphne Barak — Your Time in the Shadows Is Over

You used cancer to gain sympathy while protecting rapists.
You tried to destroy me, my friends, and my allies in government.
You covered up the abuse of Michael Jackson and the children who defended him.
You sold survivors for press access.
You dragged Bobby Kennedy into your photo ops while stabbing truth-tellers in the back.

And now?

You’re exposed.

By Grady Owen

After training a pack of Raptors on Isla Nublar, Owen Grady changed his name and decided to take a job as an entertainment writer. Now armed with a computer and the internet, Grady Owen is prepared to deliver the best coverage in movies, TV, and music for you.