Hellion Movie Review
Title: Hellion Director: Kat Candler Starring: Aaron Paul, Juliette Lewis, Josh Wiggins, Deke Garner, Jonny Mars, Walt Roberts There are…
Title: Hellion Director: Kat Candler Starring: Aaron Paul, Juliette Lewis, Josh Wiggins, Deke Garner, Jonny Mars, Walt Roberts There are…
Get to know your ‘Need for Speed’ with a newly released intro featurette from the action crime drama. The film’s…
With the success of the “Fast & the Furious” film franchise, Hollywood movie studios are on the lookout for the…
With the success of the “Fast & the Furious” film franchise, Hollywood movie studios are on the lookout for the…
The Dark Knight’s Christian Bale may be appearing in theaters in ‘Out of the Furnace’ as the determined brother of…
Illusionist David Blaine blows the minds of Breaking Bad duo Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in a new video clip.…
We’re currently knee-deep in the New York Film Festival and while a number of entries there are bound to have…
Ready to wrap up the summer season and head back to school or work full force? Probably not, but at…
In less than a week, “Breaking Bad” fans are going to get to see the last eight episodes of the…