Robot Chicken: DC Comics Special – Blu-Ray Review
Title: Robot Chicken DC Comics Special Directed by: Seth Green Starring: (voices) Abraham Benrubi, Alex Borstein, Nathan Fillion, Megan Fox,…
Title: Robot Chicken DC Comics Special Directed by: Seth Green Starring: (voices) Abraham Benrubi, Alex Borstein, Nathan Fillion, Megan Fox,…
We may live in a world of superheroes, YA adaptations and remakes, but come November 26th, some original indies will…
Title: Smashed Director: James Ponsoldt Starring: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul, Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally, Octavia Spencer, Mary Kay Place,…
The television show I’ve most freely recommended to friends, family and strangers alike, “Breaking Bad” is the dramatic equivalent of…
The post San Diego Comic Con blues will undoubtedly affect us all, but what better way to lift our spirits…
Title: Smashed Director: James Ponsoldt Cast: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aaron Paul, Octavia Spencer, Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally, Alcoholism is…
I’d like to bet there’s a gift for everyone in this Movie News Cheat Sheet because this week’s edition is…
How about a hefty dose of casting news to prep for the work/school week? This week’s Cheat Sheet is absolutely…
Dying to find out where Mike (Jonathan Banks) is taking Jesse (Aaron Paul)? You’ll have to wait until Sunday, August…