The Tourist Movie Review
Title: The Tourist Directed by: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (The Lives of Others) Starring: Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean:…
Title: The Tourist Directed by: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (The Lives of Others) Starring: Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean:…
In this brand new interview, actor Johnny Depp Talks about his role in the upcoming film “The Tourist” by director…
While her career received attention last summer for her successful return to the action genre with her hit film ‘Salt,’…
Columbia Pictures and GK Films released the first official movie trailer for the upcoming drama “The Tourist” by director Florian…
It looks like Salt didn’t provide enough of a kick to get the majority of moviegoers out of Christopher Nolan’s…
Does life imitate art, or does art imitate life? Two weeks after the U.S. deported 10 Russian sleeper agents, the…
Sometimes it’s all about keeping it simple and that’s a concept Columbia Pictures is hoping to bank on next weekend.…
Here’s an explosive new clip featuring actress Angelina Jolie from the upcoming film “Salt” by director Phillip Noyce (The Bone…
Watch a brand new inside look featurette with Angelina Jolie from the upcoming film “Salt” by director Phillip Noyce (The…