Thor: Legend of the Magical Hammer Movie Review
Title: Thor – Legend of the Magical Hammer Directed by: Óskar Jónasson, Toby Genkel, Gunnar Karlsson Starring: Justin Gregg, Paul…
Title: Thor – Legend of the Magical Hammer Directed by: Óskar Jónasson, Toby Genkel, Gunnar Karlsson Starring: Justin Gregg, Paul…
IFC’s new animated series “Out There” will be premiering tomorrow, Feb. 22. The 10-episode animated series is written and executive…
Title: Escape from Planet Earth Director: Cal Brunker Starring (voice cast): Brendan Fraser, Rob Corddry, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Alba,…
Valentine’s Day is, of course, a day of romance, so if you’re a Disney fan, what better way to celebrate…
Audiences are about to go thousands of years into the past with the 3D-animated film “The Croods.” The film, directed…
Set five years after the events of its predecessors, “Paranormal Activity 4” focuses on a Nevada family that includes cute…
DC’s latest animated film, “Superman: Unbound” now has a release date! For you DC and Superman fans, you can expect…
“Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2” is out on DVD and Blu-ray Combo Pack today from Warner Bros. Home…
Title: Rise of the Guardians Director: Peter Ramsey Only true problem with Rise of the Guardians: 97 minutes. Yep, the…