Electoral Dysfunction Movie Review
Title: Electoral Dysfunction Directors: Bennett Singer, David Deschamps, Leslie Farrell The title of “Electoral Dysfunction,” a new political documentary hosted…
Title: Electoral Dysfunction Directors: Bennett Singer, David Deschamps, Leslie Farrell The title of “Electoral Dysfunction,” a new political documentary hosted…
Texas Governor Rick Perry announced today that his state is the latest to not implement parts of President Barack Obama’s…
With the struggling economy the biggest issue on the presidential campaign trail, voters in three key swing states are split…
President Barack Obama vowed today while speaking with Hispanic lawmakers that he’ll continue fighting for a comprehensive immigration bill, USA…
President Obama has decided that he will endorse same-sex marriage, the New York Times is reporting. The endorsement comes after…
Texas Governor Rick Perry has ended his bid for the presidency, and has announced he will endorse Newt Gingrich to…
If you like following the race for the Republican candidate for President, then maybe you’d be interested in reading a…
Republican presidential candidate hopeful Michele Bachmann ended her campaign on January 4, following her distant, sixth place finish in the…
In the midst of trying to improve French relations with Israel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy was overheard telling President Obama…