Happy Feet Two Movie Review
Title: Happy Feet Two Director: George Miller Starring the Voices: Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Ava Acres, Pink, Sofia Vergara, Brad…
Title: Happy Feet Two Director: George Miller Starring the Voices: Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Ava Acres, Pink, Sofia Vergara, Brad…
As we enter November, the Oscars can’t be too far off. This famous awards ceremony honors movies released during the…
No one expected “The Lion King” to stay at no. 1 for two weeks in a row, but the film…
A discussion and review the week’s new movie release from your favorite entertainment and celebrity website. Hello everyone, this is…
Title: Moneyball Directed By: Bennett Miller Starring: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Wright, Chris Pratt, Stephen Bishop,…
Critics have already given the Brad Pitt film “Moneyball” a high rating of 92%. The film, which is about Billy…
Title: Moneyball Directed By: Bennett Miller Written By: Steven Zaillian, Aaron Sorkin, from the book by Michael Lewis Cast: Brad…
Read our exclusive interview with Stephen Bishop, who plays former Major League Baseball outfielder David Justice in the upcoming biographical…
Actor Brad Pitt is currently said to be in talks to star in director James Gray’s upcoming adaption of ‘The…