Side by Side Movie Review
Title: Side by Side Director: Chris Kenneally Featuring: Keanu Reeves, Steven Soderbergh, David Lynch, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, George…
Title: Side by Side Director: Chris Kenneally Featuring: Keanu Reeves, Steven Soderbergh, David Lynch, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, George…
127 Hours and Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle has been put in charge of the opening ceremony for the 2012…
Colin Firth and Scarlett Johnansson are the two latest stars to be reportedly in talks to join the upcoming bank-heist-gone-wrong…
Danny Boyle has admitted that he definitely wants to direct ’28 Months Later,’ is reporting. During a question-and-answer period after a…
It’s only been a little over a year since Slumdog Millionaire dominated the awards season, but I want more Danny…
James Franco has signed on to star as mountaineer Aron Ralston Danny Boyle’s “127 Hours.” The film would follow the…
The horrific attack in Mumbai sent shock waves throughout India’s Bollywood film industry, a majority of it located in that…