August DVD Movie Review
Title: August (2008) Starring Josh Hartnett, Adam Scott, Robin Tunney, Andre Royo, Rip Torn and David Bowie Produced by Original…
Title: August (2008) Starring Josh Hartnett, Adam Scott, Robin Tunney, Andre Royo, Rip Torn and David Bowie Produced by Original…
“Shadows Light” (2008) Ever After Media A Stephen Zimmer Film Starring Tom Phillips, Tucky Williams, Cynthia Allen, Jessica Kline Score:…
I’m always excited when I see new, B-movie horror flicks come in the mail, so when I saw this double…
Title: Steel Trap (2007) Starring Georgia Mackenzie, Mark Wilson, Pascal Langdale, Julia Ballard, Joanna Bobin, Annabelle Wallis, Adam Rayner and…
By Brian Corder Cast: Rhona Mitra, Malcolm McDowell, Craig Conway Original Release Date: 2008 Scores: technical: 90; story: 75; acting:…