The Lion King Movie Review
Title: ‘The Lion King’ Director: Jon Favreau Featuring the Voices of: Donald Glover, Beyoncé, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alfre Woodard, Seth Rogen,…
Title: ‘The Lion King’ Director: Jon Favreau Featuring the Voices of: Donald Glover, Beyoncé, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alfre Woodard, Seth Rogen,…
Title: Chef Director: Jon Favreau Starring: Jon Favreau, Sofia Vergara, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr, Dustin Hoffman, John Leguizamo, Bobby…
With SXSW in full effect, director Jon Favreau’s new comedy “Chef” is making its world premiere in Texas. The film…
Love is in the air! Love for “The Lego Movie,” love for Ron Howard, love for Robert Schwentke, Odeya Rush,…
Hope you’re ready for some serious awards season hype because the final Movie News Cheat Sheet before the Academy Award…
One of the best movies of the year is from director Marin Scorsese! “The Wolf of Wall Street” recently opened…
One of the highest grossing films of 2010, “Disney’s Alice In Wonderland,” is getting a sequel with the film’s stars…
The reboot, remake, sequel and adaptation craze continues with yet another Movie News Cheat Sheet brimming with updates on projects…
Title: Iron Man 3 Directed By: Shane Black Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall,…