The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Movie Review
Title: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Directed By: Peter Jackson Starring: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott, Graham…
Title: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Directed By: Peter Jackson Starring: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott, Graham…
Title: Toast Directed By: SJ Clarkson Written By: Lee Hall, adapted from Nigel Slater’s memoir Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Ken…
Lucky for Jim Sturgess his acting career really took off, otherwise his claim to fame would be being the restaurant…
It’s hard to imagine a successful actress like Anne Hathaway feeling insecure. Ever since her big screen debut back in…
Happy Sunday! Or should I say, happy Harry Potter week? After seven days of madness courtesy of the grand finale…
Title: Toast Director: S.J. Clarkson Starring: Oscar Kennedy, Freddie Highmore, Helena Bonham Carter, Ken Stott, Victoria Hamilton, Matthew McNulty British…
“Hobbit” fans! The first footage from “The Hobbit: Part One” has been released! The 10-minute footage (seen below) is chock-full…
It’s certainly been a rough road, but Peter Jackson has just about made it to production day. Unfortunately, Jackson himself…