Last Vegas Movie Review
Title: Last Vegas Director: Jon Turteltaub (‘National Treasure,’ ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice‘) Starring: Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and…
Title: Last Vegas Director: Jon Turteltaub (‘National Treasure,’ ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice‘) Starring: Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and…
The wildest bachelor party is happening in the upcoming comedy, ‘Last Vegas,’ with the help of stars Michael Douglas, Robert…
Academy-Award winners Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman & Kevin Kline are living in sin and are reliving their…
With so many promising projects in the works, this weekend’s Cheat Sheet is all about the upcoming films you should…
Sometimes the only way people realize how important reconnecting with their family is is when they experience a devastating loss…
Title: Darling Companion Director: Lawrence Kasdan (‘Body Heat,’ ‘Silverado’) Starring: Diane Keaton, Kevin Kline, Dianne Wiest, Richard Jenkins and Elisabeth…
People who have lost connections with their families and friends can often find happiness and acquaintance in the most surprising…
You probably never thought you would see a movie that had both Elizabeth Banks and Paul Reubens in it. Well,…
Welcome to October! Even though we’re creeping closer to Halloween, the Movie News Cheat Sheet almost entirely steers clear of…