Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return Movie Review
Title: Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return Directed by: Will Finn and Dan St. Pierre Featuring the Voices of: Lea Michele,…
Title: Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return Directed by: Will Finn and Dan St. Pierre Featuring the Voices of: Lea Michele,…
As we’re already fairly deep into the summer movie season, this Movie News Cheat Sheet highlights a number of upcoming…
While the Cheat Sheet is normally packed with the usual suspects – The Hunger Games, The Dark Knight Rises and…
Title: Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Director: Kevin Tancharoen Starring: Dianna Argon, Lea Michele, Darren Criss, Chris Colfer, Cory Monteith,…
“There’s going to be more celebrities here than rehab,” says Katherine Heigl’s cahracter in the newly-released “New Year’s Eve” trailer.…
Glee actress Lea Michele has been working on the upcoming animated musical ‘Dorothy of Oz’. Voicing the title role, a…
Idina Menzel is in final negotiations to reprise her role of Shelby Corcoran in 10 to 12 episodes of ‘Glee’s…