Prisoners Movie Review
Title: Prisoners Directed By: Denis Villeneuve Starring: Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Terrance Howard, Viola Davis, Melissa Leo, Paul…
Title: Prisoners Directed By: Denis Villeneuve Starring: Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Terrance Howard, Viola Davis, Melissa Leo, Paul…
Title: Grown Ups 2 Director: Dennis Dugan Starring: Just about all of Adam Sandler’s friends. Here’s some advice if you’re…
Surprise, surprise – we have a Move News Cheat Sheet loaded with the latest on franchises and superheroes. Oh, and…
It’s on to Warner Bros. Pictures and their presentation, “The Big Picture.” Warner Bros. domestic distribution president Dan Fellman and…
While Ben Affleck is likely reveling in “Argo’s” success and the team behind “Fruitvale” is celebrating the film’s big win…
A pumped-up remake of the same-named 1984 vampire horror-comedy, “Fright Night” represents a well oiled machine of goosed senses that…
In “Beautiful Boy,” Bill and Kate (Michael Sheen and Maria Bello) are a married couple already on the verge of…
Lily Collins talks with Jimmy Kimmel about her role in upcoming film “Abduction” by director John Singleton (2 Fast 2…
Taylor Lautner talks with The Los Angeles Times about preparing for his role in upcoming film “Abduction” by director John…